Dedicated Chapter 16:

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Monday morning


I slept past midnight and woke up before sunrise. The first thing I did when I rolled out of my bed is drink the remains of my beer before going straight into the shower room. For a whole hour, I stayed there, wet.

Right. I am not in my right mind.

I ate a decent breakfast afterwards. Then I looked at the clock and saw that it's only 6:18 in the morning. Knowing that I don't have anything else to do, I stepped outside and drove away to school.

This is so unlike me, going so early for work.

When I arrived, I saw Rico and Ian carrying some mats. I walked towards them and gave a loud greeting.

"Hanji, why are you here?!" Exclaimed my friends.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here for work of course!"

"You don't go to work this early." Said Rico.

"Let's say that I have extra time. And that is why I'll help you here too. Just wait for me here!"

I passed by my office and dropped off my things. I hurriedly went back to them and helped in carrying the mats to the gym. After that, Ian scolded me to just go inside my office and get more sleep.

"And I heard about you and your latest ex-boyfriend so cut off that silly look and sleep in your office." He said and gave me a slight push.

Moblit has spread the news already, huh.

"Can you just let me tail you guys and help you?"


I have no choice but leave the two alone and went to my office. Inside, I started doing minor paperworks that are still far off from due date. Even after that, there's still about an hour before my class. I made a good look around my office and saw that there are some dusty areas already. I grabbed a piece of rag and started cleaning.

Am I just desperate to make the time pass by or am I starting to be influenced by Levi's Clean Freak powers?

Ha. Funny. And I still haven't washed his coat. It's already dirty with drool, snot and tears considering that I cried myself to sleep with it that night it was lent to me.

Oh, another thing. I still need to start practicing with Mike for the May Fest.

And just like that, I did some cleaning while letting my thoughts circle my mind. So consumed with wiping the windows that I did not notice immediately the sound of footsteps.

"Nanaba? You need something?" I asked.

"It's you who need something!"

"Oh my, the news really spread like wildfire. I'm still fine, okay."

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