Chapter 2: Waving threw a window

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"Jeremy!" I yelled waving my friend.

"michael!" he ran to me and hugged me. Once we stopped a took a long sip of my drink.

"Guess what?" he said his eyes sparkling.


"I have a plan to talk to chrintine."

My heart sank a little. "How?"

"I'm going to ask her today.... Somehow.." he sighed. "Yeah that's never gonna work." He looked defeted.

I laughed a little. "It's ok Jerwmy. I still wove you~"

Jeremy laughed. "Well.. I met some new people. I talked to one of them.

I looked confused. "What?"

"Three kids. Connor Jared and.. I don't think he said his name. He seemed really nervous though. He had a cast on his arm and a name on it. Connor."

"Well Duh! A new school will make anyone nervous."

"Yeah. But we may have new friends!"

I smiled. "That's cool! You can still try talking to Christine..."

"You know what. I'm doing it. Let's go."


We had 5 mins left until the bell. I was walking with jeremy to where Christine would be. He says she is always in the library at 8:00- 8:20.
That boy has a stalking problem.

We walked to the opening of the library and sure enough. Christine was there reading a book.

"So. Are you going to stalk her? Or talk...?"

"I'm going to do it. .....I'm going to not do it and just watch."

I sighed. "Jeremy. You have a stalking problem."

"No I don't."

"Yeah sure.. Now go talk!" I shoved him into the library but he scrambled up and just watched her again. I groaned and turned around eyes widening.

I saw rich slam a kid into a locker. He looked so scared..The kid covered his face with his arms. One of them had a cast on it. Rich let him go and walk away?

Then probably his friends ran to him hugging him. Rich was so awful.

"I sorry about that guy. You ok?" I said as I walked up to them.

The boy turned around and nodded scooting into the taller boy. He did seem more nervous.

I smiled. "I'm Michael. And goo goo
eyes boy is Jeremy." I pointed to Jeremy who didn't move and was staring into the library.

"Jeremy!" I yelled to him..

"Huh?" Jeremy said looking back and walked back. the guy with glasses laughed.

"Who ya in love with jeremy? Michael?" The guy with glasses said calming down.

I choked on my drink coughing.


"Well it does say boyf riends on your backpacks..." The tall kid said.

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