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**I know have many mistakes in this book already so I apologize.**

Around 3 I got ready for Ashley to come pick me up. I was wearing black ripped true religion jeans, a gold and black hoodie saying 'king' with timberlands,a gold chain and Rolex also diamond stud earrings. You know I don't need to get fancy I guess.

I grabbed 40 dollars out my stash and my phone off my dresser and went to the living to wait for Ashley.

I was playing sims freeplay I was pretty sure I was addicted to this game. Dictating people lives was one of the things I liked to do. I was on level 44 and I was in my personal sim house making her woo-hoo with her girlfriend's sister. I used a cheat called (really works for all games).

I heard a knock at the door and jumped up and went to the door. I opened it and saw Ashley wearing a blue tight fitted shirt and some white jeans with some blue and white jordans. With minimum jewelry.

"Wats up" I said smirking and grabbing her into a hug not forgetting to kiss her.

She pushed me away and said "let's go" I wonder why she so pissy today. I didn't do anything to her. Yet.

We made our way downstairs and got into a all black expedition which was very nice.  I got in the back and she was in the front driving. There was a really pretty girl next to her in the passenger seat who I assumed was her sister.  They really resembled 1 another they both look alot like their beautiful mother.

Now that I think about it that's prolly why she pushed me away because of her sister. I mean if I had a sibling I would've hope we would be alike or share some features or at least friends.

"We are going to pick up some of my friends and this is my sister Tatiana" Ashley said to me breaking me out of my thoughts.

I reached my hands out to shake her hand but she was even more stubborn then her sister. I sat back and put my headphones in and listened to weak by ajr. It's a really hard beat that flows. I mostly listen to it when I need a head banger.

I opened my phone and saw a pic of me, my mom and dad when I was little. A text message from my ex popped up and read....

Those simple letters could have me run back to her and cry my eyes out. Ughhhh I'm so tired of thinking of her sexy, beautiful, long hair, smooth skin......

Lemme stop doing that and get back to reality, me in a automobile with some one I met yesterday night and her sister.

We pulled up to a big white house (no pun intended). With 2 beautiful girls who looked just alike standing on the porch. They must be twins they have the same hair color and facial features except 1 of em had braces.

They walked to the truck and got in and said hey to everyone. Ashley introduced me to them. Their names are Diamond and Crystal. The one with the braces was Diamond and the other one was 5 min younger then her so I see why her name is Diamond.(Confused) For a Diamond to form it has to crystallize first which means it's backwards. Idk what I'm saying that's non sense.

"We gonna get Desmond or nah?" Crystal asked Ashley

"He got a ride he gonna meet us there" she said

"So Aaliyah, right, ummm, are Do you.. like girls? No offense or anything. I was just wondering." Diamond said stammering over her words. I could tell she wasnt like her twin.

"Yeah I am" is all I said and then started going through people stories on IG.

We arrived there and everyone got out and started walking towards the door. I was watching Ashley as she walked towards a dude with some really ripped up jeans that shows alot. Like ALOT.

"So, when did you get here?" Diamond asks me

"Like on Friday" I spoke not wanting to carry on the convo.

I guess she got the hint and moved up by her sis and started talking to the dude I assume was Desmond.

"Who is this?" The dude said bluntly. I looked at him and raised my left eye brow. What the world.

"This is my new friend Aaliyah....and why you being rude my dude...." she said aggitatingly

"He just mad cause Lucas left him for Jody" Crystal instegated while I'm just in aww like how could he be rude to me. I'm like the nicest person on Earth. Like at this point I know I'm over exaggerating but I still haven't uttered 1 word towards this dude like my nigga.

"Whatever... Let's just go inside" this nigga just roll her... My bad did he just roll his eyes at me. I reached in my pocket to check if I had a blunt and a lighter. Gladly I do so what I'm finna do is get high before I spazz.

I followed them inside and slid off to the bathroom. I smoked for a good 5 minutes and went back out and saw Ashley talking to a bulky stud. It looked like they were arguing bout sum so I slowly made my way to them trying not to wonder my brain and go off somewhere.

"Wats up, Ashley u gucci??" I asked and she looked at me and told me to leave her alone. I was like wat in the world did I do. So I just went off and saw Diamond playing some kind of deer hunt game so I joined her.

We talked and I got to know her a little bit. She cool, pretty, quiet, curious, she like me and stuff and she said she don't smoke,drink, or other bad things that I would do. Kinda like the opposite of me buts it's cools I likes a challenge.

"Wanna get sum to eat?" She asked

"Yeah maybe we could go somewhere just me and you" I smirked and grabbed her hand.
She smiled and mouthed no and led me to the eating place thing. I low-key was hurt she turned me down. But glad that she wasn't that type of girl u know what I mean. I got her phone number before we ordered food. I ordered pizza,burger,fries, and a smoothie. She said she was gonna eat sum of my food. I didn't mind though sharing with my future lady cause Ashley was trippin hard.


It's like 12:32 and I'm in My room on the phone Diamond arguing about how dolphins are gay sharks. If you compare them I swear it's gonna make sense.

Phone Convo

Me: Dolphins have sum gay attributes

Her: Sharks are entirely different though

Me: Exactly what I'm saying like if u make a t chart I'm telling you that it would be clear that dolphins are gay sharks.

Her: where did you get this from?

Me: Glee

Her: I'm done *laughs* stop playing, you know what I'm finna go to sleep we got school tomorrow anyways.

Me: Goodnight Diamond

Her: Goodnight Aaliyah


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