He saved my life... Well kind of? 22

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HI! New post, not gonna lie, I think it's kinda boring... But you might think otherwise!

Um, I feel proud updating in 2 days rather then 3!

Did you guys like the song in the last post? (:


"Sometimes?" Zane asked with a small smirk while taking a bite out of his danish crumbs tumbled down his face.

"Okay... most of the time. By the way you're a dork." I laughed while blowing on my hot coffee.

"Dorks are the new sexy guys just saying." He said giving me a huge grin.

I arched a brow as I toke a small bite of my donut. "Right..." I trailed while running my fingers through my fingers.

"So tell me why were you crying?"

"It's a long story." I breathed..

"I've got time, I'm not in a hurry."

That's when I launched into my story starting from the beginning including all of the craziness. I started right after the fight or argue between Zane and I. I talked about that perky man -whore and how my sister and I reconnected a bit, we were both settled on the same page for once, which Zane smiled about. I then talked about why I was late, rolling my eyes while doing so, I mean it was Mr. Manwhore's fault, I included the part where I heard man whore saying I would be begging to be in his pants. At this part Zane winced and a look of disgust appeared onto his face.

I told him how I kind of missed him, his face soon changed from disgust to a huge grin, which made my roll my eyes even though a smile was playing on my lips. I then got into how these two guys were hitting on me using cheesy pick up lines. I even imitated their voices which made Zane chuckle.

"Are we almost at the part where you get all emotional and something crazy happens?" Zane asked .

"Shut up, I'm getting there now be patient dork."

Next I talked about how David asked me out, I HAD to tell him how I thought David was acting like a pussy, not wanting to go watch a scary movie with me. Zane at this point was bursting out laughing. See I could be funny? Hah not really.

I also talked about how, my dad and I weren't in each other's grill today. I skipped the date with David because I highly doubt Zane wants to hear about it anyways. I fast forwarded to the part where David dropped me home and then seeing my Dad sucking face with some chick who I DIDN'T know. My lips started trembling at this point thinking of it.

Afterwards I talked about how I busted into Ashley's room demanding answers and getting answers I really didn't want to hear. Tears prickled my eyes, as I finished my story.

"I am one messed up child I know." I said with a sigh.

"Trust me there are millions of messed up people, I being one of them. But when things get out of hand or things don't go your way, don't put your guard up and shut out everyone. It will honestly won't do a thing. It's okay to be stubborn, but not all the time. I'm guessing your dad didn't tell you about his new girlfriend yet because of the way you would react, I mean from what you told me, this shit was kinda crazy. Cut him some slack though, I mean you are a handful." Zane said after my long explanation.

I nodded my head, I didn't expect him to take my side and say, that's exactly what I would've done. You deserve a standing ovation. But it still kind of hurts when people tell you have did something bad or made a wrong turn in life when you already know it.

"As for your sister and blowing up in her face, I kind of get it, the heat of the moment drives you to do the stupidest things like causing a scene, and not wanting to hear people out. I think you should just be more careful with your surroundings and don't be so bitter. But it's not so easy to change I know, but don't think change is something you HAVE to do, change is something you want to do." He finished.

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