Chapter 1: Something Very Bad Has Happened

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Otis couldn't help but smile lightly, as he watched the slideshow Olympia had made for their 2 year anniversary of being partners. 

"I can't believe, that I never realized I could get all of these pictures off of the Odd Squad security videos," commented Olympia. 

"Yeah...," trailed off Otis, nodding his head sarcastically with raised eyebrows. 

He wasn't thrilled that she had millions of pictures of him now. 

"Come on, Otis. Lighten up! You look great in front of the camera," she told him. 

He couldn't help but feel a slight warmth rise into his cheeks, for the first time around her. 

"I mean, look! There's a picture of us on our first day. You look even more serious than you do now," claimed Olympia. 

Otis lightly glared at her as he crossed his arms. He was sitting at his desk chair, while she was leaning over the side of his desk, to use his mouse to click through the images on his computer. 

"You say that like it's a bad thing," he expressed. 

"Not really, because I like you anyway," she shared, teasingly bumping her shoulder into his. 

He sighed as he shook his head a bit, and also rolled his eyes. 

"Oh! I've got to go talk to Owen. He told me he has some more footage for me to have from yesterday," exclaimed Olympia, followed by a squeal. 

She jumped up for a moment in her excitement, Otis nodding his head once with raised eyebrows. When she was gone though, he discreetly clicked back to the first day photo, staring deeply at the auburn girl next to him. How had he ever gotten so lucky to have her as a partner? It was then and there that something finally clicked within him, and he realized that he had a crush on her. 

"Hey Otis! I knew you couldn't resist looking at the pictures yourself," exclaimed Olympia, with a faint smirk. 

"Oh! The computer just malfunctioned for a minute. Weren't we on this photo earlier anyway...," he trailed off, panicking so much that he made up two different excuses. 

"It's okay to admit that you like looking at pictures of us, Otis. I don't know why you can't ever be more open about your feelings," she admitted, as she sat in her chair she had pulled over. 

She was nonchalantly going through the discs that Owen had just given her. All of a sudden, Otis felt as though lava had rushed through his face, and he wished he would explode, just so Olympia wouldn't see. What did she mean by being more open about his feelings? Was she on to his crush he had on her? He shook his head as his face cooled down. Of course not, he just realized his feelings, so she couldn't possibly know... right? 

"Ooh! This is a good one," exclaimed Olympia, as she stopped on the new memories she was scrolling through. 

"Why is your face so red though...," she trailed off, since it was from earlier when he first blushed. 

"Uh! Let's not look at pictures anymore. I'm sure that Ms. O has had something very odd that's happened," Otis hurriedly made up. 

"Otis, Ms. O hasn't called us in all day...," started Olympia, but she was cut off by a familiar, booming voice. 

"Olympia! Otis! In my office! NOW," shouted Ms. O, from her platform between the two tops of the staircases. 

Olympia sighed as she reacted to her partner, "Come on, she always finds something for us when you say that anyway. I guess the pictures will have to wait." 

Otis nodded seriously, before following Olympia up the stairs to Ms. O's office. 

"You wanted to see us, Ms. O," stated Olympia. 

"There you two are. Something very bad has happened," Ms. O replied. 

"Uh... Don't you mean, very odd," wondered Olympia, squinting her eyes slightly in confusion, after turning to Otis. 

"No! I mean, something very bad," repeated Ms. O, her chair sliding out of the way, as her picture frame behind her turned into a computer screen. 

"You've both heard about the lost city of Atlantis," she reckoned. 

"Who hasn't," Otis responded casually. 

"Well, it's not lost, and it's very real," she explained. 

"Why haven't you told us about this before?! It's the city of Atlantis! Isn't that where like mermaids, and dolphins live," Olympia reacted loudly. 

"Yes... But it's not all underwater fun," Ms. O confessed, with scrunched eyebrows in a concerned face. 

"What do you mean...," Olympia reluctantly asked. 

"That doesn't matter. What does matter is that something very bad has happened to the merpeople's kingdom. It's been overrun by blobs," Ms. O told them. 

"That's awful," yelled Olympia, worry dancing across her face. 

"I know. That's why I need you two to go there, and fix the problem. I must warn you though, be careful what you wish for... especially there," she hesitated to add. 

"Don't worry, Ms. O, we won't let you down," Otis assured her. 

As the two partners ran out of there though, Ms. O couldn't help but feel her worries grow, and she hoped that they would come back as the same as when they went in.

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