Chapter 4: A Second Home

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"The villain, Otis, struck again. Only this time it was on 6 Oak Street," pointed out Ori, as he clicked through data on his computer. 

"Ugh! He never follows a pattern," Olympia complained in frustration. 

"I know. He just picks random numbers," added Ori. 

"Wait, maybe it's just a different type of pattern. What do we know," she wondered. 

"Well, last week he struck the addresses 0, 2, 10, 15, 16, 20, 22, 31, 40, 42, 53," Ori observed on his fancy watch's screen, that popped up when he tapped it. 

Olympia studied over the numbers, but then she was sighing in frustration again. 

"Just as I thought, no pattern," she huffed. 

"I guess that's what makes him the best villain. He's cracked Odd Squad's code," shrugged Ori. 

"There has got to be a way to catch him," Olympia vowed as she folded her arms and stood up, turning away. 

"We've tried everything! We even set an entire trap in front of every house on Oak street, but that week he attacked a different street," Ori reminded her. 

"I never give up," Olympia promised, her game face on. 

"Well, I try not to either, but I think we might have to admit that Odd Squad's been beaten," Ori reckoned. 

"No. I will find away," Olympia stated confidently, bounding off. 

"Oona," she called, as she skidded to a stop in front of the counter in the lab. 

"Howdy do, Olympia. What can I do for you," wondered Oona with a small smile. 

"Do you have Oscar's gadget that can smell odd," Olympia requested. 

"Yes, I do. It is right here, and you will be glad to know, that it currently does not have a cold. It had one last week," Oona shared. 

Just then though the nose sneezed, Olympia jumping back from the clear stuff shooting out of it. 

"The symptoms might be lingering a bit... But other than that, it's good to go," announced Oona positively. 

"Thanks," Olympia reacted with a disgusted face, carefully pointing the device at the ground, so it wouldn't shoot snot out at her again. 

"No problem," Oona responded, watching Olympia leave headquarters. 

All Olympia did all day was walk around with the giant nose sniffing, and by the end of the day, it was almost all sniffed out. Olympia sighed as she leaned against a tree, the sunset beginning. 

"Fine, I guess that's enough for today," she admitted, the nose breathing out a sigh of relief as it finally relaxed. 

Olympia sighed herself, as she gazed out at the vivid orange and pink spreading out across the sky. She couldn't help but smile slightly, unaware that she was no longer alone.

Otis was sneaking around in some bushes when he stopped, seeing the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. There was a strange, familiar tugging at his heart, as he gazed at the side view of the beautiful girl with shiny, red hair. He swallowed hard, but then his expression grew tough when he caught sight of her official Odd Squad badge. She was the enemy. He jumped out from where he was hiding, a smirk stretching across his face. 

"Ah," yelled Olympia, as she jerked to the side, before seeing what made that noise. 

"You," she nearly growled. 

"Yes, me. The name's Otis," he smugly told her. 

"Yeah, I know who you are," Olympia spoke, scrunching her nose up in disgust. 

"And how do you suppose you're going to beat me, with that nose gadget," he wondered, gesturing to it with his own gadget. 

Olympia appeared defeated, but then a bright idea hit her, and she couldn't help but smirk as she held up the device. 

"Oh, I don't know, maybe like this," she taunted, tickling the side of the nose, until it sneezed. 

Otis yelled out as the clear gunk hit him straight in the face. 

"Ugh," he shouted, his mouth unfortunately open. 

He spit out the nasty stuff with his eyes squeezed shut, Olympia proud of herself as she folded her arms, holding the gadget loosely at her side with one of her hands. 

"That's disgusting," he commented loudly, glaring at her. 

"Serves you right, for causing oddness for weeks," she sassily replied. 

"Try months," he corrected, spitting out leftover goop. 

"Whatever. You're coming with me," Olympia threatened. 

"No, I'm not," he argued. 

"Oh really," asked Olympia, holding up the nose again.

 "Okay! Fine! I'll admit, I've finally been caught," he caved disappointedly. 

"Yes," exclaimed Olympia quietly, pulling her fist towards her chest in victory. 

Otis hung his head low as she joined her arm with his, her smile falling when she felt a familiar, warm/fuzzy feeling. 

"Are you going to take me to your headquarters, or not," Otis piped up. 

She shook her head to get out of her daze, before answering, "You're coming with me, Otis." 

He couldn't help but feel a faint flutter in his heart when she spoke his name. Why did he feel as though he had met her somewhere before? It was as though she was a second home, that he never knew existed.  

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