Chapter 6: The Missing Piece

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For weeks, Otis was trapped in the Interrogation Room for an hour or so a day, with none other than Olympia. Olympia was continually learning new facts about him, whether they were important for the main questions, or extra. One day she decided to be nice by bringing him food, since he always complained about being interrogated on an empty stomach. 

"Hey, Otis. I brought you some Shmumber's," she happily told him, setting the paper white bag with the company's name on the table. 

She pulled out the burger that was wrapped up in white, him shuddering when he opened it. 

"A burger," he asked, closing his eyes as he looked away from it. 

"What's wrong? Are you a vegetarian, or something," wondered Olympia, pausing from taking her own sandwich out of the bag. 

"No, it's just I only eat the bun...," he admitted. 

"Why can't you just take the burger off then," she slowly questioned. 

"It's all soggy by now from the grease," Otis complained. 

"Oh... I'm sorry. I ordered a chicken sandwich. It might not be so bad. We could switch buns," she offered. 

"Thanks...," Otis trailed off with a faint smile, as she did just that. 

Her bread definitely had more crumbs on it, than grease on it. He then ate his food, her getting right on firing the questions at him. The next time Olympia bounded into the Interrogation Room, she was proudly holding up the identical, white bag from before. 

"I brought you Shmumber's. Hold the mustard, hold the ketchup, hold the burger, only the bun," Olympia announced positively. 

"Thanks," Otis gratefully smiled at her. 

She couldn't help but catch his smile, except hers was much wider. 

"I'm surprised Ms. O didn't run out of questions sooner. She just asked me to come up with some today," Olympia noted. 

"What are your questions," Otis reluctantly asked. 

"Do you have any special talents," she grinned. 

"None worth mentioning," he claimed, taking a bite out of his bread. 

"Aren't you going to ask me to answer first, like usual," Olympia wondered. 

"Oh yeah. Do you have any special talents," he replied with his mouth full. 

"Well, I'd like to think I'm pretty good at singing," she confided. 

"Can you sing something for me," he requested, setting down his meal. 

"I don't know... I mean, I could sing this one song I've been working on. Ori and I used it tell a story to Oona about a Cherry-On-Top-Inator once," she shared. 

"Cherry-On-What-Inator," echoed Otis confusedly. 

"It doesn't matter. Literally. She destroyed it. Anyway, it goes something like this...," she trailed off, before standing up straight, taking a deep breath first. 

"This is our story... It's a likely story...," she sang, Otis listening intently as she even awkwardly danced around the room a bit. 

Out of nowhere he was moving with her, only his skills were much better, and she even caught him mastering a moon walk. She giggled as he took her hand, spinning her around, before she did a random, fancy handshake they nailed in one try. 

"This is awesome! We've mastered our own secret handshake. Ori and I could never figure that out," Olympia confessed. 

"It was an accident," Otis pressed. 

"No, it must mean something, like...," she trailed off, as she turned her head, and realized how close his face was to hers. 

"Um... Yeah, it must just mean something...," she added as her face heated up. 

Otis nodded once, as he wrapped his arms behind his back, going rigid all of a sudden, yet his classic, squiggly eyebrows were still in place. Olympia giggled slightly as she slowly stepped away from him. 

"So...," she didn't finish as she sat back at her chair. 

"So...," he repeated, sitting on the opposite side of the table, per usual. 

"Are you sure you don't want to just join Odd Squad," she finally got out awkwardly. 

She was leaning on her forearms on the table, her hands pressed flatly together. 

"No," Otis answered like always, only this time he hesitated. 

Olympia smiled weakly before plopping back against her chair. 

"This might sound crazy, but I feel like I know you from somewhere," Otis confided for the first time, even if he had felt that day since day one. 

"Really? Because I feel the same way," Olympia excitedly reacted. 

"It's like, I knew you before that day you caught me, but that's impossible. I've never met you any other day in my life," he emphasized. 

"I know... It's weird," Olympia commented. 

"More like odd," Otis cut in, earning a hidden laugh from her. 

A tiny smile had spread across her lips though. 

"Olympia, your time's up," Dr. O informed her curtly as she poked her head inside the door. 

"Oh... Sorry," Olympia apologized, the time just getting away from her. 

"Bye Otis," she told him extra quietly as they both stood up. 

"Bye Olympia," he responded, her freezing up since he never had said her name before. 

She watched as he was led away, her feet feeling like magnets that wanted to gravitate straight down to that kids' jail he was staying in. Why did it feel suddenly as though she was living the wrong kind of life, and that he was the missing piece she never knew she had lost?

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