Chapter 13: I'm Talking Too Much

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"Otis! Otis," yelled Olympia, as she bounded back into Otis's headquarters. 

He had just composed himself to go find her. 

"Olympia," he questioned in surprise. 

"I just talked to Oscar," she breathed, as she stopped in front of him. 

"Why was Oscar around? Wouldn't he catch you for Odd Squad," Otis interrogated. 

"No, he was on vacation in Japan, and... What matters is that he gave me some ideas! I'm not going down with this without a fight," she triumphantly announced. 

"But how," Otis inquired, completely puzzled by that point. 

"Well, I have two different ideas. The one is sort of crazy, and the second one might actually work," she happily shared. 

"But why don't we just go with the one that will actually work," wondered Otis. 

"Because we have to look at this problem from every angle," she answered. 

"Angle," he echoed in confusion. 

"Yes, you see, every problem has an angle, similar to a pyramid. We could be looking at one of the angles for the square, when the right angle is where they all meet at the top in a point," Olympia positively explained. 

"You got that from Oscar, didn't you," questioned Otis, not seeming amused. 

"Yeah, why," asked Olympia back. 

"It just sounds like something him and Oona would say. You know how they love their angles," Otis recalled. 

"Oh yeah... Like when we went back in time, and Oona kept explaining the shapes on her gadget, instead of what the actual gadget was," added Olympia. 

"Let's just try the crazy idea first," Otis caved, worried that if he didn't interrupt her now, they would spend too much time talking about angles. 

"Oh yeah. You have to kiss me again," she spoke, closing her eyes and puckering up her lips. 

"How is that supposed to solve anything," questioned Otis in disbelief. 

"Because, we got our memories back the first time we kissed, right," Olympia asked. 

"Good point," Otis agreed with a serious nod. He barely leaned in, as he suddenly felt more nervous than the first time they did this. 

"Come on, Otis. What are you waiting for," wondered Olympia. 

"I don't know! I feel too much pressure," he exclaimed desperately. 

Olympia sighed as she said, "Otis, we've done this before. You'll be fine. Besides, you're still kissing me. It's not like you're kissing someone else. Although if you did that would really suck, because I like you a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean on the borderline of lo-." 

She got cut off by Otis placing his lips on hers, her gradually relaxing into the kiss, as she wrapped her arms lightly around his middle. He was delicately cupping her face in his hands, her stomach flip flopping all over the place, while his didn't feel exactly normal either. After he pulled away, he gazed at her, his blue eyes dancing between her brown ones. 

"Do you think anything happened," he asked. 

"Maybe we should kiss one more time to be sure," Olympia suggested. 

Otis nodded once with a serious expression, her unable to stop smiling against his lips, since she had partly just wanted to kiss him again. After he pulled away, he finally dropped his hands away from her face that time. 

"Anything," he wondered, observing the headquarters that hadn't changed. 

"I don't think so. But, Otis," Olympia spoke up. 

"Yeah," he questioned back, his eyebrows knit together in concern. 

"I think... I think that I might sort of, love you," she finally managed to get out. 

"I love you too, partner," Otis reacted with a single nod, securing his arms behind his back. 

"No, I mean like I think I might love you in like the, I'm in love with you way," she awkwardly clarified. 

"Oh," Otis stated, his expression going blank. 

"Yeah... Did I say too much... again," she checked, as she nervously glanced up at him. 

She was playing with her fingers, as the tension grew in the room. Otis cracked a slight, half-smile as he gently took her hand to stop her from acting so tense. 

"You could never say too much to me, Olympia, and that's saying something, since you talk practically all the time," he pointed out. 

Olympia weakly smiled as she agreed, "Yeah... I know, but some of it with you is because I get so excited to talk to you, that I can't help but ramble." 

"I love you, Olympia," he said, her grinning widely, before it fell for a moment. 

"Wait, do you mean in like the, I love you, because you're my best friend way, or the, I'm possibly in love with you way," she inquired. 

"I am in love with you, Olympia. I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life. I know that we're young, but you've showed me what love is. I never had that before as a villain... My life with you may not be odd, but it's better than anything I could have ever asked for," he explained. 

"So, are you saying, that you love me more than odd," she wondered with a small smile twitching at her lips. 

"I love you more than anything, or anyone in this world," he emphasized, but then his face turned scarlet as his own smile disappeared. 

"I'm talking too much," he muttered to himself, with his head lowered for a moment. 

"No, I think you said just enough. I am in love with you too, Otis," Olympia admitted, her cheeks glowing bright red. 

"You know we never would have found this out, if it wasn't for our wish. I was kinda getting used to the fact, that I would always be too scared to tell my best friend how I really felt," Otis reluctantly pointed out. 

"Maybe the mer-king was right," Olympia responded, taking his hand as she intertwined their fingers. 

"Everything does happen for a reason, and in our case, it is pretty bad, but you make it more good," Olympia confessed. 

"Thanks, partner," Otis replied with a serious nod. 

Olympia smiled a tiny bit, before emphasizing, "So, are you ready to try out my idea that will probably actually work?" 

"Let's do this," Otis stated with another one of his classic nods. 

She smiled more as their grip became stronger, and soon they were hurrying side by side to execute her plan.

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