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(Jimin's P.O.V)

After encountering the blonde-haired guy, I have observed that he seems nervous and scared. I didn't have enough time when he called me by my name.

He knows me, recalling the strangers I've met this month, he doesn't look familiar at all. However, I felt goosebumps all over my body when I made eye contact with the blonde guy. He seems intimidating regarding his appearance he seems the guy you wouldn't want to trust or even the guy who wouldn't keep your secrets as promised. His fierce aura shows it all, his low and monotone voice seems challenging, His widen eyes seem more confusing since I never met him somewhere before. And the way he pronounces my name correctly as he knew me before. He was completely shocked seeing me, is he one of the workers here? Maybe he is! Should I approach him again?

"Good afternoon sir, how may I help you?" The man said patiently waiting for my response. How long have I been standing in front of him? It's quite embarrassing...

"Um... do you happen to know which room is this?" I handed the envelope with the address and room number.

"Ah! It's Hane-" the counter guy got sliced in the middle of his sentence by a monotone-savage voice.

"I know where is it. I can show you." A low monotone voice said from behind me. Slowly turning around to meet a pair of brown eyes, a blonde hair covering some of his appearances.

"I'm Yoongi, By the way." Yoongi huh. Wait did the man in the counter was about to tell me the name of the room owner? UGh! that was close! Yoongi held out his arms, showing formality.

"Jimin." I thought he knew my name? I don't really bother. I shook it and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Jimin." He said making me furrowed my eyebrows. Not quite sure of the recent emotions I had since I've been quite missing out on the updates.


(Third person's P.O.V)


Tapping her slender fingers against the marbled table, she wore a strong scent of perfume with her shoulder-length hair against her decent white shirt that signifies formality. A smile forms in her frugal visage.

She had her legs crossed over the other while patiently waiting for my response.

"So, Do you want it or not?" She asked with her usual pace and expression.

"You said this could change my life yeah?" Jungkook asked with a shaky voice, he wasn't sure about the decision he was going to make. He wasn't quite sure. The woman said it will change his life, what does she mean by it? Through money? Heir? Position? Profession?

"It will, but for those I put on the list, it may not be their lucky day." The woman said with ease voice staring at Jungkook's soul as she tapped her foot against the cold tiled floor underneath them.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked curiosity filled his mind as he tried to analyze everything that was given to him by the woman in front of him.

"Oh, Jungkook you know exactly what I mean." The woman chuckled a wide sarcastic smile formed her dark red lips.

This time her kind and formal visage turn into a fiercely attractive face.

"You know why I hired you to do this task Jungkook, cause I know you well." The woman said caressing her fingers on the marbled table tracing on the way to Jungkook's fingers.

She was intimidating, vicious, powerful and her flaring eyes throw daggers at me, convincing me.

She told me everything, she knew that I've been killing my patients in my very own cheap clinic. She once told me... I will always be the monster I was before. And she's ready to awaken my demons again.

And now she hired me to do the very last thing... she wanted me to kill the persons on her list. She also told me that she assigned Namjoon to kill Henry, she also told me about her husband... she killed him too.

She's a monster, and always be a monster.

(Third-person's P.O.V)

The realms of day and night two different worlds coming from two opposite poles mingled during this time. The city lights advance in the sidewalk as a silhouette of people reflects under the spilled oil firmament on the road. Two young adults talked there a way to the room...

"So, Jimin... you're new here?" Yoongi asked scratching the back of his neck. Unable to think something more interesting.

"Yep, however, I've been feeling this kind of emotion towards this place, as if... I've been here before." Yoongi gulps a big lump on his throat as Jimin carelessly moves his feet against the old plank of wood underneath them making an old creak noise.

"Really? Maybe your father did. Did he once take you here?" Yoongi asked clearing his throat, he stared at Jimin observing his actions. Yoongi's eyes roam around the place, uneasy to keep his gaze steady.

"I don't know, I never saw my father. Mom said he died."Jimin replied Yoongi was a little shock cause of the younger response. Yoongi knew everything that happened... he was there. He knew.

"Uh- well... I knew your sister Zigne, did she tell you something?" Yoongi asked. Inching his way closer to the younger.

"Uh... she didn't," Jimin said shaking his head looking down at his shoes.

"Ah- okay. Well the person that lived here before, he had a suicide when his father was diagnosed with cancer and soon died. He was a very kind and cheerful boy."Yoongi quoted holding out the envelope near the door number. Yoongi knew Haneul wouldn't be here.

"What was his name?" The younger asked.

"We don't really know his real name... since I worked here a long time ago, never got to talk to him," Yoongi said without hesitation, he had to. He had to lie...again.

(Jin's P.O.V)

It's been quite a while since Janelle left and until now she hasn't been back yet. Worry filled Jin's thought, as he started to think about the lies and secrets he had done to protect everyone. But little did he know, while trying to protect everyone he hasn't been protecting his wife.

He was scared yes, but there are more to be scared about...

He knew Heather would do something like that, he knew Heather so much as well as Jungkook.

As the said lies, he had been keeping secrets too.

And it's becoming more dangerous than before.


Hey! Sorry for not updating for so long..... but I'll be updating in summer so expect more notificationsssss


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