#1 |Jyugo x Reader| Inspection Day

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|1st  Person POV|(Y/N)

I was walking through Building 13. It was peaceful, none of Cell 13 had escaped all day.

Well, that's what I thought anyway.

I was walking towards the Guard Quarters of Building 13, when I seen...

Well, surprise, surprise.


He had just turned the corner, but I recognised those shackles and ragged clothing anywhere.

"JYUGO!" I screeched, legging it towards him, my heels clicking on the stone flooring.

The Inmate turned around and peered around the corner, his hair flowing behind him.

"Where do you...You think you're going?" I huffed, I had finally caught up with him.

"Just a little wander." He said with a coy smile.

"Jyugo, you know Hajime will throw you into Solitary if he catches you today, The Warden is taking an inspection, and she's due any minute now." I whined.

It was true, Warden Hyakushiki was inspecting each building, and Building 13 was last. Best till last I suppose.

 "And? I need to stretch my legs, (Y/N)." Jyugo replied.

I sighed and took a pair of handcuffs from my belt.

I had the similar uniform to the guards, the same blazer with the same belt but with a grey skirt, knee high stockings and heels.

"B-but (Y/N)!" Jyugo howled, he was obviously surprised by what I was about to do.

I grabbed his hands and placed the cuffs on them, moments after, I heard the oddly satisfying click.

He kept trying to resist, but I stood against him firmly, read to tackle him if he were to run away. Although, he isn't not a very fast runner.

I dragged him across The Building, hiding him in the shadows if we were to come across other guards.

Eventually, we made it to Cell 13. I unlocked the door and pushed Jyugo inside.

"Hey (Y/N)! My don't you look gorgeous today." Uno whistled.

Nico was at The Infirmary and Rock had travelled over to The Game Room, he hadn't used his time today, so he wanted to go around fifteen minutes earlier.

I rolled my eyes and as I was about to leave, I felt a hand place itself on mine.

"Please don't leave, (Y/N)."

I turned around, Jyugo was behind me.

"Sorry Jyugo, I have to. I need to make sure The Building is in good shape for The Warden." I replied, shaking his hand away.

Jyugo whimpered and sat down, he understood, but was still persisting. 

"Come on, (Y/N). How about a nice game of cards?" Uno persuaded.

I was quite a gambler myself. I just couldn't resist a game.

"Fine." I grumbled.

|Twenty Minutes Later|

|3rd Person POV|

"And as you can see here, Warden, everything is as good as it should be." Hajime smiled, beads of sweat trickling down his face.

"Yes, everything is running smoothly. Now where is (L/N) (Y/N)? I want to check if the Women Guard Project is going ok." Hyakushiki demanded.

Hajime did a quick flash behind the back.

(Y/N) wasn't there.

"Shit." Hajime snarled under his breath.

The Supervisor darted through the building, until he heard snickering and giggles coming from Cell 13. 

Hajime cracked his knuckles, busted open the doors and screeched; "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING (L/N)! DO YOUR DAMN JOB!" 

His fists swiftly made contact with Jyugo, Uno and (Y/N)'s heads.


(Yep, short and crappy. Don't judge me. My first Oneshot dudes. XD)

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