3# |Rock x Reader| Stay In Line

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|3rd Person POV|

It was Lunch Time in Nanba, each prisoner was gathered in the Lunch Hall of their designated buildings.

Apart from Rock, of course.

He was in Building 5, with Liang, Upa and Qi surrounding him as he tucked into the stone oven cooked pizza he had brought over from Building 13.

Why? Well, Samon was sadly ill, and Inori refused to let more than one inmate from his building move to another. Apparently it was too much work.

So, Rock had Shirou specially prepare six pizzas for him to share with his friends from another building.

It was genius!

As he tucked into his food, something suspicious caught his eye.

Everybody, and I mean everybody, was staring at Rock. Well, not necessarily Rock, just what was behind him.

"W-why's everybody staring? If they want pizza, they can have some." Rock muffled, and she shoved cheese into his mouth.

"They're not staring at you." Liang whispered.

"Then what?"

"Look behind you, idiot." Upa snarled.

Rock did, and his eyes widened with amaze.

A woman, at the kitchen, was serving food to the inmates.

A beautiful (C/N = Character Nationality) woman with (H/L) (H/C) hair.

"W-wow..." Rock gasped, his eyes glued to her physique.

From what he could tell, she was a slender, matured woman, only by looking at her torso and large bazzingas. (Bazzingas? Wtf did I type? Meh, just replace that with fuckin boobs if you want, I don't care)

"Who is that?"

"That's (Y/N), our new chef." Liang stated.

"What's a woman doing here?"

"I heard Samon talking about it a few weeks ago, days before (Y/N) started working here. " Qi explained, partially sounding smart.

" And? " Upa snarled.

" Well, apparently a big project is on. The Warden wants to introduce Women to Nanba. Each building will get a woman working in there. "

"Then how come I haven't seen one in Building 13?" Rock whined.

"Maybe it's a one at a time thing?" Liang suggested.

Rock sighed and stared at the woman, giving gentle smiles to each inmate.

Finally, Rock rose up and strolled towards the line of starving inmates.
He pushed through them and looked down at (Y/N) .

"Can I help you? " She said in a bitter tone.

" Yes you can." Rock said, grinning.

Growling, (Y/N) climbed out the hatch from the kitchen and punched Rock in his jaw, knocking him down.

"NO CUTTING THE FUCKING LINE!" She hissed. "Also, my question was also rhetorical."

(Wow, that was some bull shit. I know, soooorrrryyy. XD)

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