#7| Honey x Reader|Kinky Bastard 🍋 LEMON 🍋

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|2nd Person P.O.V |

It was the end of Lunch, all the inmates were being sent out into the Yard of Building Three.

All but one.

"Come oooonn Honey-Bear! Please, you have to go outside!" You pleaded.

Honey was the one inmate refusing to leave, knowing him, it was to get on your nerves.

"Oh Sweetie, keep moaning like that." Honey answered with a sly grin.

Your mind had been driven down the gutter, the deep blush had crawled onto your face.

You was that innocent little bean, and Honey couldn't wait to ruin that innocence.

Maybe, today was even that day...

Honey rose up from his cafeteria seat, his smile had turned sly and lustfull.

He stepped towards you and held you close against him, whispering what he wanted to do.

"You see that table?" Honey whispered seductively in your ear. "You're going on it, and you'll stay on it until I break it."

You had to admit, you wanted it too. Your face was deeply blushed and your mind had dropped deep in the gutter.

The temptation almost got the best of you too.

"Honey... I..." You began, the desperate moaning in your voice had enveloped your usual bubbly tone.

"Yes my little Petal? What can Daddy do for you?" Honey answered, his hands caressing your thighs, which gradually travelled to your butt.

Then, with great force, you grabbed the back of his shirt and with eminence strength...

You floored your lover.

"OWWWW!" Honey cried out, blood spewing out from his nose as he glared up at you.


"Honey-Bear, I love you. But, I'm a guard. Now..." You replied, with a sweet tone.

"Get out into the Yard before I tazer you." Your voice had turned venomous as you reached for your tazer gun, not only that but the aura around you had become dark.

"YES MA'AM!" Honey shrieked, as he put one hand to his nose and fled for the Yard Entrance.

(OMG. You really thought I was going to do a lemon.)

(You fuck tards.)

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