8# |Musashi x Reader|Trust Issues

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|2nd Person P.O.V |

You and Musashi were that one couple that had nothing in common.

Musashi was that grumpy, kinky bastard.

And you?

You don't even know what a rim job is.

You are THE most innocent person in Nanba, and that's counting Nico.

Of course, it does piss Musashi off when he can't fondle you, or tell dirty jokes.

But at the end of the day, there's a satisfaction, that Musashi know the fact that he got laid once in this Two Year Long relationship.

Of course, there are flaws in it.

One of them being that Musashi is a prison inmate, and you are one of the guards.


(FUCK YEAAAHH! Nothing better than Oliver Twist. 🎶 And can you just appreciate the fact for how long I was gone, and yet have no excuse.)


Luckily for Musashi, Bitch Dog, a.k.a Kenshirou had sympathy for your relationship, and agreed to turn a BLIND EYE.

(Haha get it?)

With Kenshirou's help, your relationship was easier.

Especially since in this prison, it was hard to get over the fact everyone was trying to get laid, and you were the target.

It was lucky you were so innocent.

There has been endless times where Kenshirou has had to swat his inmates away like flies, as they kept trying to make conversation and wolf whistle at you.

It was extremely frustrating at some points, however, Musashi trusted you. And he knew you would never cheat on him.

|3rd Person P.O.V|

"Mushi." (Y/N) 's voice echoed throughout the silent hallway and to Musashi's cell.

(Y/N) stopped at Mushi's cell door, her cheeks were red, and her breathing was unsteady. It was obvious she had just ran here.

"Sorry Mushi-Bear, I can't stay. I just had a call that a visitor has came to see me. I just wanted to tell you because I may be gone for a couple of hours." (Y/N)'s words stumbled out of her mouth.

"Who is it?" Musashi replied, he shuffled forward on the cold floor.

(Y/N) started fidgeting, "No one."

"Then why would you go to the visiting room?"

Musashi was starting to become a little suspicious, he didn't like secrets. And this was definitely one.

"Mushi-Bear, I have to get going. I'll see you later."

(Y/N) began walking away, turning it into a jog as she didn't want to miss the Mono Rail.

Musashi was tempted to cry out, he was getting wound up by such a small thing.

He attempted to let it pass, and started occupying himself by trying to make conversation with the replacement guard.

Over an hour had passed, and footsteps travelled down the hallway.

Musashi pricked up his eyes and echoed out, "(Y/N)?".

"No, Musashi. It's Kenshirou. And let me just say you are way to dependant on that girl." Kenshirou replied, reaching his hands behind his head and tightening his pony tail.

"Do you know who (Y/N) is seeing? She refused to tell me and it's kinda annoying."

"Yes, I was the one who told her. She's seeing a Caucasian Male. Probably a relative."

Just mentioning that had got Musashi's blood boiling.

Musashi didn't know anything about (Y/N)'s family.

Was that man really a relative?

Was she cheating on Musashi with him?

Why choose that man of all people?

How long has it been going on?

These questions had completely filled up Musashi's mind for the next two hours.

"Mushi Bear!~" A voice cried out.

Musashi grunted in response.

(Y/N) arrived at his cell door a few seconds later.

"Hey Mushi. You alright there?'

Musashi refused to respond, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"Who were you seeing?"

"Oh. Well..." (Y/N) took a deep breath. "That was my brother. He's been trying to contact me for months. He wanted to inform me I was an Aunt."

A sigh of relief lifted off the stress from Musashi's shoulders.

Well, almost all of it.

"Why didn't you tell me you had family?"

"I was a little nervous. My family are not the nicest people."

Although Musashi couldn't look at (Y/N), he knew she wasn't lying.

Apologising would have been the best at that moment.

But that was not Musashi's style.

"Do you want to have some waffles?"

(THE CRINNNGGEEE. EW. Anyway, sorry for not posting in a decade. But here is a shameless plug.)

(Go check me out on Instagram at xUniPencilx.)

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