2# |Uno x Reader| Game Room Fun

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|3rd Person POV|

(Y/N) and the inmates of Building 13 Cell 13, Building 3 Cell 6 and Building 5 Cell 8.

She was in the corner of the room, shuffling her feet around, staring at the males laughing and enjoying the games in the room.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Why you all on your own? Come join us!" Uno laughed, waving his hand up in the air, whilst his other, was holding a few darts.

"No thanks..." She sighed. 

In the corner of her eye, she saw a body move towards her. It was Kiji Mitsuba, The Building 3 Supervisor. 

He was centimetres away from ear when he whispered. "Look, I would go play, you only have a certain amount of time to be free in here." 

His face drew away and gave a grin.

"Thanks Kiji..." She muffled.

"Your welcome." 

Kiji turned away and started walking back to the other guards.

"Maybe he has a point." (Y/N) whispered to herself.

She wandered over to the others, seeming a little lost on her way.

"Hey (Y/N). Nice for you to join us." Rock said, welcomingly. 

"Hello there, Little Rose." Honey flirted.

"My don't you look stunning today, (Y/N)." Trois complimented.

I waved my hand, demanding them to shoo.

Uno jogged towards me, with a pool stick in hand. "Fancy joining us, (Y/N)?" He asked.

I nodded my head in response.

"Aaaaw! Come on, that isn't fair. I've only just started getting a good score, she'll screw me over." Jyugo whined.

"Jyugo, you never had a good score." Rock laughed.

"Shut up!"

"It's alright (Y/N). Don't mind Jyugo here, he's just being a baby." Uno replied, putting his hand around my waist, he handed her a pool stick. "Now come join us."

"How do I use this?" (Y/N) asked, she was obviously a little confused as she poked the Pool Table with the back end of the stick.

"It's easy. Watch."

Uno grabbed her pool stick and placed it on the table, his eye pretty close to it as he was deciding whether that was the right place to strike an orange ball.

He pulled the stick back and shot the ball into one of the holes, perfectly with the stick. 

"See?" Uno handed the pool stick back, (Y/N)'s jaw was dropped in amaze. 

"W-wow, Uno."

She copied the same technique Uno did with ease, it was only when she was about to strike, her (H/C) fringe was dangling in her eyes, that she lost balance.

The pool stick shot the red ball off the table, right into Honey's face.

And the pool stick?

It flew towards, shot off the table and dove into Hajime's back as it was turned due to Mitsuru occupying him.

Hajime turned around, giving off a menacing aura.

Afterwards, his fists made a perfect connection with everyone's heads, even the inmates who weren't involved.

Yep, just a normal day in Nanba.

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