5# |Upa x Reader| Cactus Problems

783 21 16

|3rd Person POV|

The silent wonders in the building filled each and every being with determination.

(Don't hurt me because I may have just popped in an Undertale reference. I only just found out what "Paint me like one of your French Girls" means, I don't want to die.)

(Y/N) stared around her, none of the other guards were in sight. She felt a tad bit lonely, all on her own, in the silence of Building 5.

Well, the silence didn't last much longer as a screech, a scream and a cry broke out.

Did I mention it was also early morning, when many inmates were still sleeping? This lead to many inmates throwing every word they could imagine, out into the dim hall, clearly pissed off.

(Y/N) wandered towards the Cell she thought she had heard the noise approach from, Cell 8, which was quite a surprise.

Rummaging around for the right key on her bundle, she desperately fit the keys into the lock, although she tried, it wasn't until her fifth attempt she got the correct one.

She busted open the door and stared at the sight which appeared to be the pale child kicking and punching the...'frail old man' whilst 0502 just glared with a confused look.

"Guys, come oooon. It's early, have hiss fits later." (Y/N) whined.

Her eyes darted to the floor, shards of broken clay were smothered in sand/dirt. And in the middle, was a small cactus, looking like roadkill.

Upa turned towards (Y/N), tears were forming in his eyes as he continued to choke Qi.

Sighing, (Y/N) opened up her arms and kneeled down. From what she had found out, this was the best way to calm down 0558, maybe that was due to him being classed as a child in the Prison.

(I researched that apparently Upa has the physique and appearance of a 15 year old, but is 4'4". Eva, that means you could be his girlfriend in a few months. But you'd be taller than him by a mile. XD)

Upa hesitated at first, but let go of the Trash and waddled towards (Y/N).

She grinned of how adorable he was, she felt like a Mother. A proud Mother, who totally wasn't disappointed in her son for being locked up in prison and she had to babysit him each and every day whilst being flirted with by men who were 30 years older than her and was probably in Nanba due to being a paedophile.

The Child opened up his arms and wrapped them around (Y/N)'s neck as he sniffled and whimpered.

"Trash took my cactus and dropped it." Upa whined.

"It was an accident!" The Old Man cried.

"Sure, Qi." Another voice hissed, supposedly Liang.

"Hush." (Y/N) mumbled, she was as pissed as she looked, and that wasn't a nice one. Her right eye was twitching like mad, it was her weird death glare since she couldn't do one very well.

(I twitch my eyes instead of giving death glares, ask anybody.)

"We'll get you a new plant pot, alright." (Y/N) sighed, unlocking Upa from her grasp, she wiped away one of his tears.

Upa nodded his head in agreement and turned to Qi, seconds later, he growled and lunged at the Trash.


(I know, I'm a demon, making you wait this long, Eva. Forgive me. But I've been watching more Black Butler O3O. You can have fucking Ciel. ALOIS IS MIIINNNEEE!)


I think I might start writing a fanfiction about Black Butler and delete my Fairy Tail one, but I won't be uploading it until I've done. OwO

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