9# |Kenshirou x Reader|Porn

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I would make an excuse like...i have been busy.

But I really haven't.

|2nd Person P.O.V|

"(Y/N), please, my hair is not a dog." Kenshirou growled fiercely, like a...
D O G.

"AWWW, I know Poopi. But you're just so adorable." You smiled.

Your current position was on Kenshirou's lap, breasts nuzzling in his face and skirt all rode up. D I S G U S T I N G.

Of course, Kenshirou didn't mind that, he was squirming with delight. But he couldn't let you know. *cough* Gotta stay professional.

The door to the Office swung open, and in stepped the lil' rat Bastard, Monkey. Oh, I'm sorry. Samon.

"KENSHIROU!" Samon was utterly flustered, it wasn't the position that caused his Tent in the Pants. It was the fact you looked like a Teen Girl in a Pornhub Video, with the uniform and all.

"Tone it down Samon, it's just a little romance. I'm surprised you're acting like this, considering your search history filled with Porn Sites." The Pheasant whistled. He straightened his slouching posture, and ruffled his newspaper, staring down Samon with his beady bird eyes.

Inori began snorting in the most disgusting manner from behind Samon before being jabbed in the ribs as a quick STFU.

"Poopi?" You asked quietly, your innocent little eyes twinkling.

Kenshirou raised his head, and gave a concerned look.


"Poopi, what is Porn?"

The whole room had frozen, Kenshirou gulped as all eyes were on him.

Apart from Inori, that Horny Bastard was still snorting like a pig on crack. Fitting I suppose.

(if you couldn't tell, I'm adding my own commentary. Now Fuck off.)

Kiji coughed, took a calming breath and began talking in a slow, sweet voice. "Well, (Y/N), when a Mommy and Daddy love each other very much. The world would sometimes like to see them kissing. Thus, they make videos of the--"

"Aw, cut the crap Kiji. We all know she's faking it." Hajime growled.

That sly hoe had been listening into the D I S T U R B I N G conversation the entire time. His weight leaned against the wall, as he slouched and inspected your physique.

"Tell us (Y/N), are you really as innocent as you act? I mean, your skirt is so riled up, I can see your underwear."

"She doesn't have to answer to you!" Kenshirou huffed, covering your ears and sticking out his tongue.

"Yeah Hajime, learn some manners!" Samon interrupted.

Hajime wandered over to you, leaned over yourself and Kenshirou, before repeating his previous question.

"Are you really as innocent as you seem? Don't be shy." Hajime asked, his mouth puckering to a smirk.

You stared into his beady eyes, with your large, bulging ones. Every ounce of your body was filled with questions.

You opened your mouth to speak, before Samon waltzed over and shoved his phone in your face.

"Here's your answer." He howled.

It was some serious shit, boobs, the P u S S y, the sexiness everywhere.

Short story, you screeched, Kenshirou decked Samon, and now it's certain your innocence has been ruined.

Hello you foul Bastards.

My my, has it been a while.

Basically, I uninstalled Wattpad for Spotify.

||Chapter Requested by:||

The fungus on my Grandma's foot, @BrooklynGambling

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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