2. Jealous II

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Bold = Jennie

Italics = Roseanne

Underlined = Tyler

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Seoul, South Korea


After my meeting with the planning team, I head out to the café right across the street.

Roseanne insisted on coming with me but I told her to stay just in case there were any problems with contacting the other party.

I entered the café and the smell of caffeine overwhelmed my senses. I definitely needed some coffee right now. I went to the cashier and ordered two lattes. While waiting for my order, I sat at a secluded corner of the café.

I watched the people around me and noticed a few students working on a project and a couple on a date but what caught my eye the most was the man with striking blonde hair that just entered through the door.

His demeanor and aura screamed confidence and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He seemed to have felt my eyes on him because he turned around and as soon as his eyes met mine, I unconsciously held my breath. It felt like the whole world had stopped. There he was, standing right in front me, my first love and the man who broke my heart, Tyler. A sudden pain hit my heart and it felt like someone was gripping it.

"Jennie!" the employee's voice cut our staring contest as she shouted my name, meaning my order was done.

I stood up, purposely looking on the wooden floor as I passed by him, not wanting to do anything with him. I reached for the door but a hand held my wrist stopping me from leaving this place. I knew very well who it was but I was too afraid to turn back and crumble down. I bowed curtly, still looking down and I forcibly took my wrist out of his grip.

The wind hit me the moment I got out and I didn't even notice that it was a bit chilly today. I headed back to the company and Rose must've noticed my frantic state as I saw her frown and then raise an eyebrow when I placed her coffee on her desk without saying anything.

I went in my office and sat on the couch, gazing at the scenery before me. I heard a tone, snapping me out of my daze and I recognized it immediately, I had received a message.

I sat face to my computer and opened our messaging app, it was Rose. Not surprising, really. She's always been worried about me.

Hey what's wrong?

Nothing. Don't worry about me.

You can never fool me Jen. I know you. You're not the type to just pass by my desk without saying anything. I know there's something going on.

Okay fine, you got me. Come to my office I'll tell you everything.

Coming, right away!!

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