Must read!

707 22 14

Not an update! 

I'm sorry if I disappointed you, thinking that this was an update, but please read this, it is very important!

So, I was wondering if my stories were becoming lame. The number of votes and readers are decreasing by chapter and to be honest, it is discouraging. Should I just stop writing? 

I feel like I am not satisfying my readers enough and it pains me because after all, you are my source of inspiration. 

BUT! On a brighter note, we ranked #753 in short story today, April 14, 2018.

This achievement means so much to me!I know it's not that high but I am more than thankful to those who stayed with me and continued giving me support. I honestly never expected to rank as I only started to write to relieve my stress from school. Thinking that I accomplished something with your help is heartwarming. ♡

Thank you to you all, once again. 

See you soon!

Lots of love, T.

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