oof sorry

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oof i have tea and i treat yall like my bestfriends so yea i had to make another authors note this is actually the last one i promise

you want to read this one trust me

unless you hate Lil Xan

plz dont attack me

k so back to my tea

idk if i told yall but i went on a THREE DAY TWO NIGHT field trip to atlanta (from north carolina i promise im not a hilbilly i swear oof) so yeah

we saw black panther (so educational wowow) and michael b jordan is SO HOT OMG

we went to the zoo and aquarium (fun timez)

we went to world of cocacola and i tried beverley congrats me i almost vomited

we went to 100000000 food places which was pretty cool

we went to the MLK places

we went to CNN and i got some vvvvv good chapstick bc they was on sale

it was super fun

except i had 302975143981yt04y4tpy9834 anxiety attacks

you may be asking yourself 

"hey ava, why did you have 302975143981yt04y4tpy9834 anxiety attacks? you shouldnt have had more than two a day"


if you was there you would understand

because of the hotel.

this is where Xan comes in.


if you a xan fan (haha rhymetastic) you prolly know that he on tour

he went to atlanta on March 5.

i went to atlanta on March 7.








not just in the hotel i stayed at though. he stayed in the hotel two rooms below me at the exact time i was staying.

i saw him????????

like with my own eyes

ME. AVA. I saw Lil Xan.

whole story 321 go:

it was the first night (wednesday night) and it was like 6:30-7 and we had just gotten off the busses. they gave us our keys and shit and we was taking our bags so i was crammed in the back of an elevator with 4-5 other girls and their suitcases and we ended up on the 4th floor (somehow we were supposed to go on the 6th whoops) and the door opened AND HE WAS SITTING THERE ON HIS PHONE OMVGP OGDEEWL

but bc it was a school thing we cpuldnt bring our phones so i couldnt even tweet at him ugh

and we were being so loud bc of the amount of people and i was already getting anxious bc of all the noise and people and the staying 3984y923rr3 lightyears away from my laptop and i was kinda carsick but then THROW SEEING ACTUAL DIEGO into the mix i was a mess

but anyways

i was shoved to the back of the elevator and we were all vvvv confused like "(not saying her name bc what if she reads this lol jk i know she wont but still) get out already" and she was yelling back like "no this not our floor" and we were all so loud and he looked up at us like wtf is wrong w themmmmmm and my eyes went to the three zs (lil xan always sleepy) and then to the pink xanarchy beanie and then his like eye shape that nobody else has and it took me a minute but then it hit me and i was like OHHHHH MY FUCKING LORD JESUS CHRIST LUI GLDIY:UBT>Y and i was smacking zoey and saying "im gonna kill myself omg" but she couldnt see him so it was me having an anxiety attack for seemingly no reason at all

but then i started thinking like how it mustve felt to be in HIS position? like he was just chilling in atlanta and then an elevator of 100000000 people pull up and they all yelling and then somehow an entire grade just knows your exact location and i saw some other fans w his merch too and i know it would kill me so im thinking it would make him so so so so so anxious and it makes me anxious to think that my friends and i mightve caused his anxiety so yeah ive been thinking about it for 3 days now and im really scared to tweet st him but i wanna apologize/say YO IM THE GIRL WHO LOOKS LIKE IM 7 BUT I SWEAR IM NOT AND IM 98% SURE WE MADE EYE CONTACT LEMME KNOW IF IM TRIPPING so yuh

give me chapter ideas if you want an update in the next two days

i love you all.

stay strong. dont hurt yourselves. stay frikin alive.

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