authors note (3rd times the charm)

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I KNOW YOU ALL PROLLY LIKE "i stg if she does another authors note im gonna stop reading" BUT PLZ STICK THIS WILL PROLLY BE THE LAST ONE

k so

nobody attack me


the book finna end extremely soon

like in the next 1-4 chapters

i'm gonna write a sequel 

i might write another Peep fanfic bc i love and miss him too much :(: 

lemme know how yall feel about that^^^

so yeah

how are you guys? im really asking not just tryna be polite

if you guys need to talk or vent or anything  please  message me. if you feel like hurting yourself please  talk to me or someone or anyone or your dog or dm peeps twitter or whatever. just vent or talk to complain or cry or do what you do to someone. whatever youre going through, you arent alone. someone will understand. nobody judges round these parts. just stay alive. dont hurt yourselves without at least trying to talk to someone. PLEASE DONT MISUNDERSTAND: TRUUUUUSSSTTTT ME. I KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE. I AM NOT TRYING TO BE INSENSITIVE OR ANYTHING. THIS IS NOT ME SAYING "if you talk youll feel better!!!!! dont be sad, be happy! no more depression!1!" BC THATS RIDICULOUS AND UNREASONABLE AND MAKES ME WANNA FIGHT SOMEONE. sometimes, talking or just venting (literally writing it all in a notes tab or whatever) even without sending helps so so so much. not gonna lie, it dont always work 100%. but it could help with some of the pain if you get everything you wanna say off your chest. i have sent paragraphs upon paragraphs to my bsf (who i recently found out was being lowkey fake but she is also my only friend and i love her so much so thats beside the point) just ranting and she thinks she gets it but it isnt the same thing at all and she doesnt get it (here i go ranting again) but it still helps to tell someone. those paragraphs have stopped me from cutting myself many times. 

except sometimes it doesnt work.

but it did  help. like i didnt cut as much or as deep as i wouldve had i not gotten it all off my chest. 

how did this turn into my life story wtf 

back to the point 

if you need someone I. AM. HERE. add my sc or dm me on twitter or message me on here. i will respond as soon as i possibly can. i check my messages every day on the off chance that someone needs someone else, so ill see it. 

twitter is @_avamagnant1

snap is not meant to be offensive it was an inside joke bc of a picture but i lost the picture but um yeah its offensive but my name was taken so urm sorry its @lil_muslim 

im sorry^^

on a lighter note

i have no more inspiration for the story?? like i have grown to like it even though i still think its trash but you guys make me feel a lot better about it i just dont know where to go next with it. i wanna incorporate gym class (winkwinkwink) if you know what i mean and i have an ending but i need more more ideas. i wanna keep going for a few more chapters until i end it. PLEASE give any ideas you have even if you dont think theyre good. 

you a real one if you read this far 

i love you all.

stay strong. dont hurt yourselves. stay frikin alive.

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