Poems from a liar ( Not listening)

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I scream for you to hear me !

                                                                             Open your eyes to my heart

What must I do for you to realize your missing out

                                                                         Guess im not important for a hello

And you still say you don't want to loose me

                                                                         Your not listening

I'm not that important enough for you to realize im here

                                                                              I doubt you will find what your looking for

You already found it and run and hide from me

                                                                               Feel so alone and worth nothing

Cutt my looses and my wrists

                                                                      Maybe then when my blood spills someone will hear

 Or maybe you will just feel pitty for the storm gurl who gave you her heart

                                                                            Your not listening

And you never will.....

                                                                    Alone in the rain.

Poems from a liarWhere stories live. Discover now