Fuck all the Breathe .
Fuck the brother who called me a slut and tells me he wishes I got an Std.
Fuck the girl who steals my clothes
Fuck the guys who laugh while I walk home.
Fuck the rumors
On the Internet.
Fuck me.
Fuck the dad I never knew.
Like he would want to know such a screw up now.
Fuck the life I surely don't deserve.
Fuck my lover I never knew.
Fuck my period I always have to go threw.
Fuck the annoying mother who always never forgets.
Always taking low shots as always.
Fuck the ones who breathe.
Fuck the ones who laugh .
Fuck the ones who hearts beat
And then just fuck me
Poems from a liar
PuisiPoems on topics that everyone deals with. When your sad and want someone to understand read a poem and smile :P