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  My room was moved my clothing was replaced and I said my goodbyes to matt.

These..."training" clothes where a bit different than what I was used to.

The first layer was a tight fit but flexible easy to move in, the second was like a robe, black grey the usual colors you'd expect. The shoes also very easy to move in.

I was sitting in the training room kylo walked in and began going on about the force and blah blah blah I sighed in boredom wanting to leave.

He stopped and looked at me.

"Are you listening?"

I nodded.

He removed his cape and took a fake light saber.

He put it in front of me. "I want to know how much you know."

"...like...this?" I tried holding it the way he did.

"No.." He put his down and came over to me taking my wrists and placing them the right way he was very close, my heart raced, he looked up from our hands our faces only inches away, he quickly stepped back, I awkwardly coughed trying not to think about it.

I lazily swung at him.

He of coarse blocked it but i didn't expect him to suddenly kick me.

I fell and skid across the floor.

"This isn't a game.." He grunted.

I rolled over in pain trying to regain my breath.

I gasped and coughed.

"I didn't even want to do this anyway.." I talked back.

He walked up to me and slapped me.

"Fight back." He had the saber in my face.

I slapped it away and pulled my self together ignoring the fear.

"I don't want to be your apprentice." I immediately regret letting those words escape my mouth.

He lifted me off the ground an invisible force around my neck tightening my windpipe.

I choked and gaged trying to get out of its grasp.

"Do not... talk to me like that.. you will train with me and fight next to me whether you like it or not..do not question my ways, and do not.. disobey me." He bellowed and let go.

I fell and fought for air my arms weak and my bones began to ache.


I shivered standing up taking the sword and this time swinging harder at him, he blocked it, each and every hit I threw at him.

Tears streamed down my face my muscles screaming at me to stop.

He striked and hit my arm, I cried out and hissed at him.

"Try harder." He slapped me again.

I stumbled back trying to stay on my feet.

He hit my leg, but I refused to fall.

My hand didn't have the strength any more to hold the heavy saber.

I dropped it and my body fell.
I sat up, hair in my face and blood trickling down from my nose onto my lips I looked up to him with half lidded tired eyes, the sword over his head about to strike.

I reached out my sore thin arm to block the hit and suddenly the sword looked like it was tossed out of his hand.

He looked back at it as it fell against the wall and down to the floor.

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