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Seven snuck into the control room and tapped on a hologram she was mid way into finding the location but chewbacca walked in on her.

"Huh?!.. oh.. it's just you." She turned back around but he trotted up to her and turned off the hologram.

"Hey!! What the hell?!" She turned it back on but he still turned it off.

"Stop it.." she warned.

She slowly put her hand on the surface of the on switch but he quickly turned it back off.

She force choked him and he reached out his furry arms to choke her.

"Hk- you stupid fuckin animal!" She choked out and he mocked her.

Poe walked in on them and paused.

"Oh.. sorry?" He looked behind him and back at them unsure of what was going on.

They let eachother go.

Seven coughed and shot a cold look at chewbacca.

He pointed at her.

"(Y/n)-..Seven what are you doing here? You where supposed to stay in your room until general Leia confirms you're safe to wander around the ship." He walked closer to her.

"I was.. looking for the bathroom." She swallowed down her dry throat.

"I'll show you.." He grew somewhat suspicious.

He showed her the way to the bathroom and she pulled on his sleeve before he turned to leave.

"You know where we are?" She quickly let go.

"I.. can't tell you that."

They stood in awkward silence.

"Why not?" She bit the corner of her mouth in frustration.

"Not until Leia confirms it's safe." He kept a stern face.

She thrusted her hand up to his head to force it out of him, but he catched her wrist completely wrapping his entire hand around it.

"Do not.. do that." He bellowed

She took her hand back bitting the inside or her cheek.

Seven turned her heel and left into the bathroom, splashing water onto her face.

It dripped off from her lashes and chin, only those drops where auditable in the silence.

She looked into the mirror looking at the mess she was, her braids messy, circles beginning to appear under her eyes, she brushed her hair with her wet fingers undoing the braids and tears flowed up to the brim of her eyes.

"Why am I even crying?" She wiped her eyes with her palms.

She straightened her back and walked out to go back to the room she was being kept in.

Poe stopped her.

"Hey what's wrong?" He noticed her teary eyes.

"Nothing leave me alone." She lowered her head down hoping her bangs would cover it up.

She brushed past him.

Seven stepped into her room, warm tears burned againt her cold skin, she pressed her body against the wall.

A memory came to her again
Poe and her in a starfighter, he was reaching for her hand she remembered feeling happy with him he was her rock and they felt like something deeper than friends.

"No." She whispered. "I feel nothing for that man." But the memories just kept cutting it's way into her head "no.. no! No!!" She refused those feelings she only felt that way towards kylo.

She pulled at her hair and squeezed her eyes shut tears pouring out of them.

There was suddenly a clear click of foot steps drawing near her, looking up through the blurriness of her tears, a pair of boots stopping infront of her, lifting her head up to see kylo.


He kneeled down to her "have you found the location?...what did they do to you?" He furrowed his brows.

"They're keeping it from me

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"They're keeping it from me.. I don't know where I am.. but I promise to get you the map..not now but soon." She quickly cleaned the tears.

"Something is wrong..." He touched her cheek a tear falling onto his gloved finger.

"Ah no...uhm" she turned and wiped it.

He took her hand and she jolted in surprise, she looked down at his hand lacing with hers, she knew he wasn't really here but seeing that gave her heart ease.

She looked up to see him, but he had vanished. That smile growing on her face melted.

The following day seven again snuck into the control room and worked as fast as she could to find the location.

"What? No no no no w-why isn't it here? It's supposed to be here I know it is.." Seven looked through everything over and over.

"Damnit!!" Seven Hit the table with her bruised knuckles.

"You aren't going any where.." Poe said walking in blaster in hand.

"You can't keep me here.." she gave him a death glare.

"You are becoming a danger to the resistance.." He walked closer.

"Oh you're just noticing that after kidnapping a commander of the first order.." she waved her hand using the force to fling him into a wall, he shot at her but caught the blasters lazer in mid air throwing it back at him but missed, causing debris to fall over him.

She walked down to him putting her hand up to his head, he strained, and cried out in pain.

"Were am i?"

He shook his head.

She got closer causing him more pain.

"You're not going to tell me?" She clenched her jaw.

"You ... you aren't (y/n)." He panted.

"No.. I'm not." She caused him the worst torchure she could give him.

She paused and he slumped down.

He stayed silent so seven lifted her hand, before she began to do it again Poe spoke.

He gave her all the information she wanted.

She took his blaster, left him there moaning in pain.

She connected with kylo telling him exactly where she was.

Seven sighed into a tired smile.

She sat on the messy bed clutching the blaster in her hands fighting sleep, and waited for him.

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