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    "This is such gaaarrrbaaaggeee!!" I yelled in frustration.

"The hell is taking him so long.." my patience was really running low now.

I tucked my saber into my belt and ran out, walking past storm troopers they always gave me a second look.

I saw a few running and stopped one of them.

"Hey hey! What's going on?"

"There are invaders on the ship." The storm trooper said and continued its path.

I began following them and came across this huge pit there was a bridge in the middle I Saw Kylo Crossing I was about to step forward but then saw a man appear from the shadows.

"ben!" The man shouted, echoing throughout the buliding, kylo turned and stood there.

"Han solo, I've been waiting for this day, for a long time."

I looked up to see the door up on the balcony open and two silhouettes walk in, my eyes set and saw a girl and a man.

The light from the open door cast down onto kylo.

"Take off that mask you don't need it!" He yelled.

"What do you think you'll see if I do?"

"The face of my son."

Kylo removed the helmet "your son, is gone.. he was weak and foolish like his father, so I destroyed him."

"Thats what snoke wants you to believe, but it's not true my son is alive." He drew closer to ren.

"Whoa..what?!" I whispered.

"Snoke is using you for your power, when he gets what he wants he'll crush you."

"No..the Supreme leader is wise." Kylo said.

I got closer and hid.

"You know it's true." Said the man.

It's like kylo was deteriorating, like his façade was being cracked apart.

"Its to late." Kylo said.

"No its not, leave here with me come home...I miss you." Its like those words had pierced right through ben.

"I'm being torn apart." He admit.

"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it...will you help me?" Its felt like he was desperately trying to seal his cracking fake persona.

"Yes.. anything." The man's deep raspy voice echoed.

Kylo dropped his helmet, drew his saber hilt and put it up to the man kylo called.. Han solo. the stranger grabbed it with one hand.

This light from atop the balcony faded making it harder to see.

"The hell.." I whispered.

I gasped and covered my mouth with both hands to see him ignite the saber and drive it through him.

"Thank you." Kylo whispered.

I heard a scream from atop a balcony and a weird sounding cry, I looked and saw it came from an odd looking creature with a bow caster in hand.

The man caressed his sons cheek before his lifeless body fell like a rock into the pit.

The man caressed his sons cheek before his lifeless body fell like a rock into the pit

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"Oh shit.." I cursed and that weird looking animal yelled out and shot kylo with the bow caster.

Kylo threw his body forward in pain.

Shots fired and I ducked.

Storm troops rushed past me, some of them falling dead next to me.

I was about to run out and help kylo but I heard loud booms the walls bursting and everything was blowing up I ran and fell when a bomb or what ever it was blew up near me I hissed the heat burned my skin.

My ears rang and everything was blurry I couldn't make out anything.
I crawled away from the flames and looked down to the bridge and saw kylo limping towards the the two people up on the balcony.

He's going to get himself killed.

I secretly followed behind him and caught up to him.

"Kylo!!" I screamed out catching up to him.

"What the hell did I tell you?!" He was overflowing with rage.

"This ship is going to collapse please we need to get to someplace safe!"
I begged and pulled at him.

"Take her away make sure she doesn't follow me." He ordered two storm troopers.

They picked me up and took me away.

"Let me go!!" I kicked and screamed trying any possible way to get out.

I was taken to a different ship, restrained and locked up.

I sat there defeated.

I scooted up to the bars and looked out, looking for anyway to get out, any chance anything.

I began to loose hope, but saw a familiar orange vest and dirty blonde hair.

"Matt!!" I called out to him.

"Seven?...what are you doing here? The other end of the ship was destroyed." He rushed to kneel down to me.

"Matt please I need you to get me out kylos in danger."

"Yeah." He nodded and looked for the control panel, and started working on it.

After a few minutes it beeped and opened, he helped me get out of my restraints, I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you.." The tears leaking from my eyes soaked his vest.

".. I saw kylo get off and head west..." He said.

I nodded and ran to the exit.

((Sorry this is a little short.))

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