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It's been well into the night, storm troopers patrolling the halls and other workers doing late shifts.

Seven lay in her bed, her tired eyes stared at the ceiling, the ticking of the clock engraved into the wall seemed to echo in her head.

She rolled onto her side and faced the wall, she found her self tossing and Turing all night, not able to sleep she stood from her bed, her feet touched the cold floor but her headache felt worse, she threw on a robe and walked out into the halls, not sure where she planned to go but just wandered.

She looked around, how she had memorized the layout of this maze
She daydreamed about how matt has been since they haven't sent eachother messages in a while.

"What are you doing?" She heard kylo behind her.

She turned and rubbed her eyes and stuffed her hands into the pockets of the robe.

"Just.. out for a midnight stroll." She shrugged.

"You decided to stay." He said.

"Well, yeah where else am i going to go?...I don't really agree with what you're doing, since you don't need my help I hope you don't mind I just sleep and eat here." She looked up into his eyes.

"I'm sure you can find your self a more useful apprentice that will obey you and follow you around like a pet." She sighed continuing.

He reached over to her and she turned around.

"What.. you gonna hurt me?...kill me?" She walked closer to him.

He pulled back.

"I know ben is in there.. he isn't gone.. you're just a stubborn brat."

He looked like he was about to burst.

He put his hand around her neck not tightly, he stroked up to her face.

"You won't join me?...the galaxy could be ours.. no one will disrespect us or treat us like they do" His voice was gravelly and smooth.

Her eyes fluttered at the word "us".

She touched up to his heart
"It doesn't belong to us, the galaxy isn't somthing to own, neither is the people."

"They left you, there is nothing for you out there." He furrowed his brows.

She shook her head and stripped herself from him.

"The dark has nothing for you, throw me out of this ship if you want but there really isn't anything there, there are people that want you back dead or alive they would have wanted you back regardless of what you've become."

"You know it's true." She crossed her arms to keep them warm from the freezing air.

"Maybe the dark has answers to the questions they never answered

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"Maybe the dark has answers to the questions they never answered." He said.

"Who is your father? Where did you come from? How did your mother end up in that Island sky walker and I trained in."

"I dont care.." she glared at him.

He clenched his jaw and finally gave up, he didn't want to lose her but didn't want to give up his ambitions either.

He grabbed her neck shoving her into a wall crashing his lips onto hers, she put up a short fight but was weakened by his sweet toxicity.

Her cold fingers trailed up the rough fabric of his clothes, she felt his broad shoulders, and let her hands wander his soft dark locks with a spicy fragrance.

The heated kiss stopped as he has to retract himself from her.

He looked at her swallowing hard.
"I love you to much to let you go..."


Seven and kylo went back to his room, they sat on his bed.

Kylo reached into his pocket and held up an old looking necklace chain with a silver ring as a charm.

"I found this in my pocket after I left that Island, I believe you gifted this to me after you left to the resistance. "

Seven took the chain and looked at it the memories coming to her.

"Here.." (y/n) put her hand out a silver chain with a ring shining in the golden sunset. Ben took it and studied the gift. "I wanna make sure you don't forget me." She shot him a smile. He nodded and took her into his arms squeezing the air from her. "Thank you." He stuffed the chain into his pocket and watched her leave into the ship.

"Did you remember me?" She asked gingerly grazing her fingers over the palm of his scarred hands.

"Snoke rid me of anything that would turn me to the light but everytime I touched the ring I got faint memories with you, and when I saw you it irritated me how I couldn't remember who you where." He said looking up from their hands.

"Is it okay if I call you ben?" She asked.

"Just don't let anyone else catch you calling me that." He kissed her temple.

She pulled her legs up onto the warm bed and shifted her weight onto him pushing his body down, she lay her head on his chest and shoved her hand under his shirt to bask in his warmth.

Kylo felt strange but content to have someone he doesn't hate close with him.

He stroked her hair until she fell asleep that had been calling out to her.

(Ahhhh I really suck at writing but I'm trying my best)

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