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The base of my shoe crunched the ice under it.

The cold harsh wind bit at my skin,

My body shivered and I began weaving through the tall thin trees that thickened as I went deeper only the force could guide me. I decided to climb up a tree to see if I could find anything.

I heard light sabers but couldn't see anthing.

My warm breath and cold air creating a fog.

I climbed down my body temperature dropping more and more every second.

I followed the sound of the light sabers I climbed up a rock, my freezing hands sliping and shifting my weight up to the top i saw that scavanger girl and kylo in a duel.

Kylo was leaving blood trails he was growing weak.

She gave him a hit slicing right through his clothes he screamed and began to fight wrecklessly they where at an edge and felt my heart skip a beat.

"Ben.." like water through my fingers that name came out of my lips.

She kicked him down.

"No!" I got of the rock charging at her adrenaline pumping through my veins.

She swung up and cut up side his face.

"STOP!!"  I panted running towards her, grabbing the hilt of my saber red plasma shot out of it.

Kylo got up in surprise to see me.

"I won't let you kill him!! I WON'T LET YOU!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs tearing up my throat

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"I won't let you kill him!! I WON'T LET YOU!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs tearing up my throat.

I swung at her she blocked and I kicked her the same way she kicked kylo, she was strong but I pushed through it.

Both of our sabers clashed sparks flying onto the snow making it sizzle.

I struggled to push her down she was cornering me onto a tree.

"How could you defend that monster." She said through gritted teeth.

"Hes...no monster... just a lost scared boy." I panted.

I used the force to push her off me

Before I could even see I saw the hot blue blade being thrown at me I ducked, but It went right through my hair, it once reached my knees, now it fell onto my shoulders.

"You bitch." I growled under my breath.

Coiling my fingers even tighter into a fist I punched her.

She winced and without warning she stabbed her saber right through my shoulder I fell back onto the blood drenched snow.

I blinked up at her.. I felt the dark side surging through her as she wielded the saber skyward and before she could stab down at me I reached out force pushing her body far away.

The soil under me shook, I put my saber away and got up to limp towards kylo.

I pulled his body up to mine and I cradled him, his eyes barley able to open.

The ground split up, trees fell around us and I watched the scavanger run in the opposite direction.

"Kylo... kylo can you walk?" I snapped my fingers infront of his face.

"Hey come on breathe, breathe stay with me." My Hot tears dripped onto his face.

I dragged him back to the base.

"Please.. help him." My voice was faded and hoarse.

The two storm troopers guarding the ship rushed towards me and kylo.

I couldn't go on anymore, my body gave up on me and everything around me grew dark.

The last thing I saw was kylos half opened eyes and the bloody scar on his face.

I woke up, in a bright room.

My eye lids felt heavy, my body aching, everything hurt especially my shoulder.

I couldn't sit up, it felt nearly impossible.

"Mam please do not try to sit up." Said a nurse that came in to help me lay back down.

"Where is he?" My voice was barley audible, it was torn and exhausted.

"Is he alive?" My frail fingers weakly grabbed onto the nurses clean sleeve and left a blood stain.

"You've already lost too much blood mam try not to talk." The nurse shushed me.

My shoulder was covered in bandages that had blood seeping out of them, tubes and wires where stuck onto my arms and I had somthing around my face to help me breathe.

There was somthing hot under me.

"What are you doing to me?"

"Your heart is having a hard time pumping the small blood supply in your body, we are trying to get your body back to normal temperature,
Please restrain from talking or any physical movement."

I closed my eyes still feeling the force pulse through the tips of my fingers.

My mind too tired to think I fell asleep.

"But we will find each other again." Said a boy next to a thin innocent looking girl.

"Yeah right.. they're going to take us far far away.." Said the girl.

"We'll see.." The boy turned to look at her a small smirk planted on his face.

A woman called out to the girl, she turned and ran to her mother's arms.

The woman's face looking.. very familiar.

My eyes shot open.

I nurse flashing a light infront of my face.

"Shes breathing now." She said putting the flash light away.

"What? What happened?" My eyes fluttered looking around the room my eyes adjusting.

"We nearly lost you just now...you've been in a coma only a few weeks." Said the doctor in the room.

"But I just fell asleep.." I sat up looking at my surroundings.

My eyes pulled to kylos face like a magnet, he stood tall over me.

"You're alive.." I breathed out a smile.

A burnt scar painted across his eye.

He sat next to me.

The nurses and doctors left.

"Look at what she's done to you.." my fingers gingerly grazed over his scar and slightly bruised eye.

He flinched at my touch.

I feel like I know him more than I think.. like we've known each other for years.

"Be-..kylo.. um.. sorry I went after you.. I was being.. stupid, I don't know what I was thinking, sorry I interfered."

"No, you fought well."

I looked to see my hair drapping up to my collarbone.

"I don't know why I had it so long anyway." I let out a shaky breath, stroking the burnt ends.

"It.. doesn't look bad." Commented kylo.

The round irises of my eyes met his.

"..the scar... It suits you." I smiled.

His resting mouth cracked into a very subtle smile.

It was like seeing the sun rise after having years of endless dark nights.

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