01 - Betting

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 A new story, yes! I hope you all like it :)


           “You’re breaking up with me?”

            The tears had already welled in my eyes and were spilling down my face as my boyfriend—well, ex-boyfriend I suppose—whom I have been dating for two years broke the news to me. He had a sheepish look on his face and he rubbed the back of his neck, something that he only does when he’s nervous.

            “I’m sorry—“

            “Was it something I did? How about something that I said?” I know I should just shut up but I kept blabbering on. “Is it, Blake? I swear, I’ll do anything you want just please don’t break it off!”

             “Melody! Calm down… It’s nothing you did. It’s just that…” He took a deep breath. “I just don’t feel anything with us, you know? People say when you kiss someone there should be something that makes it worthwhile but the only thing that I feel is a kiss. There’s nothing more.”

            Well, that makes two of us.

            The truth is that even though we dated for two years, I never was in love with him. Sure, I loved him but I didn’t get the ‘in love’ feeling that you should get. I guess we were both just not into it.

            I wiped away the tears on my face and nodded my head furiously making my blond hair flop into my face. “I understand, I do…”

            “I’m sorry that I wasted two years of your life but hey, it’s our senior year. Make things count.” Blake gave me an awkward parting hug then left me alone in the middle of the hallway as people stumbled out of the school to get home. Some people even had the nerve to stare at me. Obviously they both heard and saw the very public breakup and probably were waiting to see if I went crazy by throwing my stuff onto the ground and screaming. The least Blake could’ve done was bring me somewhere more secluded where there aren’t any witnesses to see what went down.

            Soon sadness was replaced with anger and I huffed out. I stomped all the way to my locker, grabbed some books for homework this weekend, and pushed my way to where my best friend, Noah Freely, was making out with some girl only a few lockers down. I rolled my eyes and stomped on his foot until he released his death lock on the girl.

            At first he pulled away and glared at me but once he took in my expression, his eyes widened. “Oh shit, you’re pissed,” He realized then quickly pulled out of the girl’s grip. “I’ll call you later, uh…” He trailed off as he tried to think of her name.


            “Right…” He muttered and shut his locker after he threw his backpack carelessly on his back. He didn’t even take another glance at the girl as he put his arm around my shoulders and we walked down the hallway to the school’s parking lot.

            It may seem like we’re more than friends but in reality, we could never be. You see, Noah and I are complete opposites. He’s athletic and one of those guys who would rather get drunk and sleep with girls while I’m more into school and would never want to just ‘hook up’ with someone hence why I was with Blake for so long. Even with all these differences, we’ve been best friends since grade school. He does have other guy friends but he would rather spend time with me than them. Same with my other friends mostly because Noah was much more fun to be with and understood me more than any of them combined.

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