Part 1

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"Wait you like Taylor?!?" My friend, or so I thought, named Mackenzie asked me.

"H-how did you find out?" I say insecurely. There I am in 7th grade. I am a total nerd. I am fat, can't dress myself for my life, and gross unwashed hair. I got bullied about everyday. I was really depressed, actually. My sister is the only one who knows. My mom and dad work all the time. We are really rich, too. But back to the story.

"Everyone knows. He would never go for a girl like you, though." She says with attitude. I knew she liked Taylor. This is going to end bad.

"I-I'm sorry." I say softly. Mackenzie was always pretty. Super skinny, with light brown hair and big brown eyes.

"Oh, girl it's fine. You like who you like." She says with the fakest smile ever.

"Well I have to get to class" I say shutting my locker and walking down the hall. As I was about to enter class someone says my name. I whip around to see Taylor looking at me with his beautiful eyes.

"So I was wondering if maybe you want to come over tonight and study?" He says with a smile.

"S-sure." I say walking into my class.


As the last bell rings I run out the class. Taylor gave me his address and said I can come over whenever.

I jump off the bus and run to my house. Clean up and run out the door. I don't bother to tell my parents. They won't even notice.

Taylor's house is a few blocks down so I decide to walk.

When I get to the house I knock on the door. As the door opens I notice it wasn't Taylor.

"Nash?" I say confused. He starts laughing while I hear many laughs in the background. I walk into the house to see all of Taylor's group friends in the living room cracking up. When my eyes meet Taylor's my heart drops and breaks into a million pieces.

I stand there speechless. Taylor is sitting in the reclining chair with a girl on his lap making out. As the girl turns I see who it is. Mackenzie.

"Oh hey Jordan." Mackenzie says rolling off of Taylor. Taylor gets up and walks over to me laughing.

"You really thought I liked you back, Jordan?" He says. "You are a worthless piece of crap. Your ugly, fat and no one will ever love you. I am way out of your league. Out of all the girl why would I choose you?"

I just stand there tears streaming down my face.

"He is right. You really thought I was your friend? I would never have someone like you as a friend." Mackenzie says laughing.

I start to run out of the house. I run and never look back.

I get to my house and slam the door. My vision is blurry from my tears.

I slide down my wall and put my face in my hands. I'm now not holding back on my tears.

"Jordan?" I hear my sister call for me. Crap. I forgot she was home. I didn't care at this point. She rushes over to me and picks me up taking me through our mansion into her room.

"That's it" my sister says to me. "We are giving you a makeover." That was just the beginning.

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