Part 14

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I woke up with a pounding headache.

I turn to see Taylor with his arms wrapped around me. Wait. Oh my god. I'm naked.

"Taylor!" I yell wiggling out of my grip.

He slowly moans rubbing his head before looking at me. "What?" He said annoyed.

"I'm naked!" I yell panicking. I run to the dresser and grab the first thing I see and put it on. I then see it's one of Taylor's "Taylor Caniff" tees.

Taylor laughs. "So am I." He says. I gets up an puts on his boxers.

"What if we-" I stop myself and look at him. His humorous expression fades as he pulls me into a hug.

"We are going to be fine." He says and kisses me on my forehead.

We walk downstairs to see all the boys in the kitchen. God, the look like a mess.

"What did you too do last night." Nash says winking.

"N-nothing." I say nervously.

"Yeah, that's why you guys kept me up all night?" Cameron laughs.

My cheeks burn red and I go to the cabinet and grab painkillers.

"I feel like crap." I say holding my head.

"You look like it too." Carter says laughing. I look at him with a death glare.

He stops laughing and takes another sip of his coffee.

This is going to be a long day.

*1 month later*

"Taylor, I feel sick." I whine on Taylor's shoulder. Cameron, Nash, and Carter are finally moving out. Not like I don't like them. They can just be annoying.

"We are almost done. You can go up to our room if you want." He says. I slowly make my way into the room. I slowly make my way to the bed and plop myself down. I have been getting sick a lot but it is not like the flu. It's just on and off.

I soon feel like I'm about to puke so I run off the the bathroom. I sit on the floor and vomit into the toilet.

What can this be? I'm never like this. It's not like I'm-

Oh my god. I try to remember the last time I had my period, and I can't.

Tears stream down my face. I'm only 18. I have a YouTube career. I can't have a baby now.

I peel myself off the floor and run downstairs.

The boys probably went to their new house. I write a note for Taylor and grab the car keys and drive to the store.

There is a knot in my stomach the whole way there. I'm not ready for this. What if one of our fans sees me?

I put my sunglasses on and pull my hair up into a ponytail before I walk in.

No one seems to notice me.

I get 3 boxes of pregnancy tests and go to the cashier, who gave me the worse look ever possible.

I pay and quickly run out of the store and drive back home.


I get home and no one is here still. Perfect.

I run to the bathroom and use all three sticks.

I want to be sure.

It says I have to wait a half of an hour so I decide to go make some dinner.

As I stir the pot of noodles I hear the front door open.

"H-hi Taylor." I say running into the living room.

"Hey." He says. "What are you making?"

"Pasta." I say with a weak smile.

"Okay well I'm going to go take a shower-"

"WAIT!" I yell. He freezes. "I, uh, forgot my phone in there." I run up and grab the pregnancy tests, not even looking at them.

I get to our room and lay them on the desk. I began to flip them over to read it.

"Positive, positive positive" I whisper to myself as I began to cry.

What am I going to do? Wait, how am I going to tell Taylor?


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