Part 20

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I have been waiting patiently for hours. The food is cold. I check my phone again. No calls or texts, 8:43. I already eat my food.

I check my phone again, and again.

I don't know if I'm worried, angry, disappointed.

I hear the door slam open with laughs and shoes stomping on the floor.

"Taylor?" I say softly trying to keep my calm. He is, once again, a drunken mess.

Cameron and Nash are here, too. At least they aren't drunk.

I sigh and bring Taylor to the couch.

"Thanks for driving him home." I say.

They look at me with sad eyes. They can tell I'm disappointed.

"Jordan, if you ever need help. We are here." Cameron says hugging me.

I show a slight smile as they shut the door.

"Come on, let's go to bed." I say helping Taylor stand up.

"You are so hot, Jordan." Taylor yells.

"Okay." I slightly laugh.

He lays on the bed and almost instantly falls asleep.


I wake up to the sounds of my new alarm. Baby crys.

I sigh and get up to get Aiden.

I pick him up and take him to the living room where I set him on his play mat and get his bottle ready.

I check the time on my phone. 6:37.

When I'm finished with his bottle I pick up Aiden and feed him.

When I'm done I burp him and set him back on the play mat. The daily routine.

I hear moans and see Taylor emerge from the bedroom upstairs.

He stumbles downstairs and looks at me.

"Follow me." I sigh.

I get him painkillers and hot tea.

"Taylor we need to talk." I sigh.

"Well, I'll be back-" he starts. I cut him off.

"No we need to talk now."

He slumps in his seat and sighs.

"I-I just feel like..... I'm the only parent in this relationship. You go out every night doing whatever you want with who ever you want. You come back way later then you say, drunk. Where I'm stuck with Aiden, not getting a wink of sleep and having no life." I try to keep my calm.

"Seriously? I'm always here for Aiden."

I start laughing. "When is the last time you got up in the middle of the night. Or stayed home one night to watch him while I went out. Or fed him. Or for god sake touched him!"


"Exactly, Taylor" I can feel the tears start to form in my eyes.

He stays silent.

"You know, when I went to my moms. She took one look at me and Aiden and shut the door on my face." Tears start pouring out.

"Jordan I-"

"No Taylor, you aren't sorry, you aren't going to change. You never will. This is your life."

"Maybe I will!"

"No you won't. You don't give a crap about Aiden and you know you don't!" I start to yell.

"Yeah I do!"

"Then be a father for once! Don't go get drunk for once! Be there for me! I'm your girlfriend!"

"You know what? Your right! I don't want to be a father and I don't care about Aiden! I would rather go out and get drunk and dance with a bunch of other girls!" He screams.

I have never seen him like this. My face falls and so does him. I can see him regretting what he said.

"Okay then." I say failing to hold in my tears. "We will get out of your way."

I storm out of the room and grab Aiden. I run upstairs packing as much stuff as I can.

"Jordan wait I didn't mean-"

"Yes you did Taylor. I know deep down you did. I would be surprised if you did grind on girls. You probably banged them,too."

"Jordan, I was drunk-"

"Wow, your a dick." I say grabbing my suitcases and storming out the door.

I set Aiden in his car seat and I start the car.

"Jordan, wait!" I hear Taylor yell.

I flip him off and drive away.


I get to the airport and go up to the front desk.

"To New York please." I say.

"With the baby?" She asks.


"Okay" she hands me the tickets and a give her the money.

The wait is only 2 hours and I get on my plane. I sit in my seat and feel the tears on my skin.

I lost the love of my life, and now, there is no going back. I think as I head off to my new life.


(The sequel is called Finding Love and it will be posted soon. )

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