Part 18

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We enter the hospital and get to a room. They hook up the IVs and everything and that's when the pain kicked in.

Only me and Taylor were in the room while to boys stayed in the waiting room.

"OH MY GOD." I yell.

"What wrong?" Taylor says.

"I am having a baby Taylor. WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS WRONG?" I scream. God this hurts.

After a while there was another shot of pain.


Before I knew it, it was actually coming.


Finally after 5 hours the baby was out.

We signed all the papers and all the boring crap you have to do.

We named the baby boy Aiden.

He has Taylor's eyes, and my nose.

I was currently laying in my hospital bed with Aiden and Taylor is sitting in the chair.

"I never told my mom." I blurt out.

"I didn't either." He says looking up from his phone. I feel so guilty. My mom is my mom. I never even told my sister.

She is at college so I never really talk to her.

I get on my phone and call my mom.

"Hey, Jordan." I hear her voice through the phone.

"Um, mom. Can I come over in like 3 days. I just need to talk to you." I say.

"Well, I will have to clear my schedule, but sure. I haven't seen you in a year!" She slightly laughs.

"Okay, bye." I say hanging up.

~ 2 days later~

I change into sweatpants and a tee shirt. I finally get to go home.

I put a blue onesie on Aiden and put him in the car seat of the car.

"I'm so excited to go home." I say clapping.

"Me too, that was terrible." Taylor says.

"You weren't even the one giving birth!" I yell laughing. Bad idea.

I hear Aiden start crying.

"Aiden it's okay, uh, don't cry." I say lightly tickling his stomach.

"Nice mothering." Taylor laughs.

"Shut up, why don't you do it." I whisper. Aiden keeps crying.

"Did you get anything from the store?" I say searching through the diaper bag.

"Uh, well I didn't know what to get. So I got some clothes, diapers, a crib, the car seat, and that stylish diaper bag." He says.

"We need to stop at the store. He doesn't even have food." I roll my eyes.

We pull into the parking lot of Walmart and I grab Aiden.

"Taylor can you hold him while I get stuff?" I ask.

"Wait. Me? I-I can't." He says nervously.

"Taylor. He is a baby, not an animal. For god sake your his dad!" I say handing him Aiden.

I went to the aisle with the baby stuff and got formula, toys, more cloths, a bath tub, a changing table, decorations for his room, a stroller, and a binky.

We checked out and went home, finally.


By the time we got home it was about 6 o'clock. I ordered pizza and put Aiden in his crib.

"I'm going to the gym." I tell Taylor.

"Wait. What about Aiden?" Taylor says nervously.

"You have to watch him." I laugh.

"What if he wakes up?" Taylor asks.

"Taylor, your a dad now. It's not hard. He is a baby. He will need fed again at 7:30. I will be back soon. I love you, okay? You can do this"

"Love you, too." He says kissing me.

I walk out the door and get into my car. Leaving Taylor alone.

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