Blackpink House. #5.

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After Jisoo and Lisa prepared everything outside in their little sun shed thing, or whatever you call it, she went up stairs to get Jennie.

"Jennie—" Jisoo says opening Jennie's bedroom door only to see that she was naked. "Oh crap sorry." She says turning around.

"Why?" Jennie laughs. "You've seen me naked before."

"I know...I just-I, never mind." Jisok says turning to face her. Luckily Jennie had put underwear on so now all Jisoo had to do was not stare at her boobs.

"What's up?" Jennie asks while putting on her clothes.

"Uhm I was wondering if you're hungry?" Jisoo says nervously.

"I could eat." Jennie says.

"Really? Awesome! Come downstairs when you're ready," Jisoo says before leaving.

"Uh Okay!" Jennie shouts after her.


"Hey, What is all of this?" Jennie asks walking in and looking around.

"It's um dinner, for unnie line only." Jisoo nods. "I was going to say 'Ta-Da!' And I know you wanted to go to an island, so now you can pretend."

"Okay." Jennie says as they take their seats. Jennie rests her head in her hands. "Jisoo yah, I didn't know you would think of me this much. After seeing the hammock, I like you too!" She says in aegyo and Jisoo just blinks at her. "You weren't expecting this type of reaction were you?" She says in her normal voice.

"Don't even think about it." Jennie raises her brows.

"Not even a little bit." Jisoo says, holding her head high.

"So why are you doing things that you normally wouldn't do?" Jennie asks taking a piece of watermelon.

"I told you that I would express my feelings from now on." Jisoo says.

"Be honest with me." Jennie says pointing her watermelon at her.


"I know you too well. This stuff is so awkward and embarrassing for you, isn't it?"

"What? No." Jisoo shakes her head, except that it was. She wasn't into the big romantic gestures, if it were her choice, she would've just played video games with Jennie in her arms.

Jennie nods before taking a bite out of her watermelon. Jisoo's eyes go down to her lips as she thinks about what Lisa told her to do.

The lip swipe.

She takes a breath before looking back at Jennie. "Why do you have stuff all over your mouth?" She asks reaching forward and wiping Jennie's chin with her thumb.

Jennie is so shocked that she chokes causing watermelon seeds to fly out of her mouth and onto Jisoo's face.

Jisoo has her eyes closed tightly as she stays frozen. "What was that!" She says. "Aish," She sighs removing the seeds off her face as Jennie coughs to clear her throat.

"Who was it?" Jennie demands.


"This isn't your style." Jennie says. "Who taught you this dirty 90's style trick? It was Lisa wasn't it?" She says and Jisoo sucks her lips into her mouth to keep quiet. "This is so awkward coming from you. I feel like I'm going to die from the awkwardness and embarrassment. Can't we go back to how comfortable we were before?"

"It may have been comfortable for you, but I don't like it." Jisoo says.

Jennie sighs. "What am I going to do with you?"

ADVENTURES OF BLACKPINK HOUSE | Jensoo & Chaelisa Where stories live. Discover now