Blackpink House. #74.

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A/N: Happy Birthday to our chipmunk Rosie. (Also to Jendeukie Because Its been that long sing the last update yikes.)

Cutiesss 💓💗💓•••

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Cutiesss 💓💗💓

Later that morning the girls were all gathered outside for a special outdoor breakfast. But really it didn't matter where they were, breakfast with Blackpink was still breakfast with Blackpink. And that meant talking about...


You guessed it.


"Ouu look whos up late. Sleep well or did we not sleep at all?" Lisa wiggles her brows seeing Jennie and Jisoo join them dressed in their bath robes.

"We can say the same for you can't we?" Jennie motions to them, sitting in the same attire.

"I was just giving Chaeng an early birthday present." Lisa shrugs with a knowing grin pouring them some orange juice.

"Actually, we got into an argument first." Chaeyoung corrects. "But then we made up for it." She smirks.

"Angry sex is the best." Jisoo nods digging into her breakfast.

"I'm not gonna lie, I might argue with you more because basically it just makes it more passionate." Chaeyoung admits leaning into Lisa's side.

"There's passion there." Lisa furrows her brows at her food.

"Yeah but it makes it more," Chaeyoung shrugs.

"...It does doesn't it." Lisa agrees with a nod.

"But there really isn't anything to argue about." Chaeyoung says.

"Pick up your jeans!" Lisa demands in hopes of angering Chaeyoung. The older girl just shakes her head.

"No, that doesn't do it."

"Stop shitting yourself at family functions."

"Nope that does nothing for me."

"I slept with your mom!" Lisa says making Jennie snort.

"Nothing." Chaeyoung shakes her head.

"Believable isn't it?" Lisa smirks.

"No." Chaeyoung laughs. "I can't argue with you, I respect you too much."

"Why do you respect me? I'm the biggest twat there is." Lisa says incredulously.

"You really annoy me sometimes." Chaeyoung nods whilst chewing her food.

"Do I?" Lisa looks over at her.

"No." Chaeyoung grins giving her a kiss.

"Gross." Jennie scowls and does Jisoo.

"I hate you bleh, ou I love you, oh lets fight, oh no lets kiss instead mwah mwah mwah~" Jisoo mocks in a whiny girly voice making Lisa throw a slice of mango at her face. "Hey!" She throws it back at her.

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