Blackpink House. #82.

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A/N: So This happened.

And This was my reaction

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And This was my reaction.


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"Jisoo, Don't forget your tooth brush!"

"Jisoo, remember to pack your charger!"

"Jisoo, make sure you bring pajamas!"

Jisoo rolled her eyes as Jennie shouted reminder after reminder while packing her things. They'd only be staying over at her parents house for one day yet Jennie acted like they'd be there for the next month or something.

"Come on Jendeuk, do you have to be such a ball buster!" Jisoo whines with a huff. Zipping up her bag.

"What are you talking about?" Jennie says walking into the room.

"You're always nagging me about bringing stuff, and my iron supplements, and my laundry, and my diet..."

"Oh, I'm really sorry for caring about you." Jennie says sarcastically. "Someone has to remember these things, since you never do."

"Hm. Kind of like how you never remember to wear your bite guard when you sleep?" Jisoo smirks.

"I wear it."

"Not when you sleep with me you don't. Then you grind your teeth all night."

"I don't do it all the time." Jennie protested.

"No. Not always, but sometimes. When you're stressed or anxious, usually."

"Well, in my defense, I don't always necessarily plan on sleeping in your room. A lot of times it just happens, so I don't have the opportunity to even have my bite guard."

"You could just get up and get it!" Jisoo laughs. "Plus even when you know we're sleeping in my room you don't bother."

"I usually do..."

"But, not always." Jisoo laughed. "I bet you didn't pack it for this weekend, did you?"

"Sure I did."

ADVENTURES OF BLACKPINK HOUSE | Jensoo & Chaelisa Where stories live. Discover now