Blackpink House. #52.

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A/N: Thanks for 800 followers buddies. 💛Also sorry for taking so long, I was on vaca (again). :/


For the first time in awhile, Rosé woke up to an empty bed. Since Lisa was away, there was no warmth to cuddle, or kisses being pressed to her face.

What she woke up to was Leo. He laid in the spot where Lisa usually slept. His wide eyes stared at a pouty Chaeyoung curiously, a loud meow escaping him.

"I miss her." Rosé mumbles looking at him. He responds by crawling closer, settling near her with a plop. "Do you miss her too?"


"I thought so." She pets him. "You know, I've never told you about my training days with your mommy." She smiles.

His quiet purrs soothe her, closing his eyes at the same time as Chaeyoung.

"She was very adventurous. She never wanted to stay in the dorm." Rosé recalls with a small smile. Her fingers running through his soft fur.

Her mind wander back to a few years ago. To her days as a YG trainee. Some days were painful, others rewarding. But no matter the day, Lisa was always there with her.

She couldn't picture a life without Lisa in it. The thought alone made her heart ache. Even with Lisa temporarily gone, she didn't even want to get out of bed.

Her other half was missing.

Grabbing her phone off of the nightstand she sends a quick text to Lisa saying good morning and an 'I miss you' for good measure.

Soon she was scrolling through her pictures, just so she could see Lisa's face.

"Gosh, I'm so pathetic Leo. She hasn't even been gone for very long." Rosé sighs to the kitten.

The dorm was mega quite without Lisa, kinda sad in a way.  Like there was a giant hole of quietness that only Lisa could fill. Jisoo tried to fill it, but even she missed Lisa.

Jennie had finally been able to take an afternoon nap without so much as a tiny disruption at all. She woke up a little sad missing the Maknae's wake up calls.

Her finger slid against the glass screen to come to a stop. A very old photo caught her eye.

It screamed youth, innocence, and new experiences. A growing love in a time that was untouchable.

It was of her, and Lisa. Your typical teenager photo.

They had their arms around each other, enjoying the time they were able to get out of the dorm. Rosé could remember it all.

•October 2014 YGE HQ•

It was the 14th of October, 2014. The nights were still relatively warm as the two teenagers roamed the streets.

The city lights, like lighthouses drawing them in from whatever adventure at sea they had been on.

It was late. Lisa had wanted a midnight snack, not just from anywhere, but fresh from the night market.

And of course she couldn't go alone, so she dragged her best friend with her.

Their laughter filled the night air as they recalled an earlier incident during dance rehearsals. Innocently slipping their hand into one another's like second nature, not questioning why one of them did it, or why the other wasn't pulling away.

Like two ships they draw in closer, comforted by the warmth of the other. Listening to smooth voices tell funny stories of people back home.

ADVENTURES OF BLACKPINK HOUSE | Jensoo & Chaelisa Where stories live. Discover now