Early morning giggles filled the dorm as Jisoo carried Jennie on a piggyback ride through the dorm.
Usually it would be the Maknae's generating this much noise in the early morning but the roles seemed to have reversed.
The latter were still in bed, cuddling into each other like a married couple would.
Jennie and Jisoo were acting as if they just entered the honeymoon phase. Maybe it's because they were both extremely happy these days. With the success of their comeback and everything.
Jisoo sat on the bathroom counter brushing her teeth while smiling Dopily at Jennie.
"What?" Jennie mumbles through her own brushing.
Jisoo shrugs with a smile making Jennie giggle. She hops off the counter to finish off brushing.
The younger finishes off first, and wraps her arms around Jisoo from behind.
"I've been working on my Junghwan impersonation." Jennie says. "Wanna see?" She purses her lips and puffs out her cheeks.
Jisoo chokes on her toothpaste from laughter making Jennie laugh too. She coughs and rinses out her mouth. Her face red with laughter.
"It's Good right?"
Jisoo clears her throat with a nod. "Yes it was excellent. Like Junghwan was actually in the room. You should show Chaeyoungie."
"Fish kiss?" Jennie purses her lips.
"Aish," Jisoo sighs but kisses them anyways. She rubs up and down Jennie's arms and tilts her head. Her brows furrow.
"What?" Jennie asks.
"I'm taller than you."
"What? No you're not."
"I am."
They turn and face the mirror side by side.
"I am."
"No you're not."
"CHAE!" They shout at the same time.
Chaeyoung sighs loudly hearing her name being called. She rolls over with a yawn into Lisa.
"Yah Lalisa," She says.
"Hmm?" Lisa grunts in response.
"They're calling our names."
"Ignore it. Eventually they'll come in here."
Chaeyoung nods and shuffles back under the covers. "Yah Lalisa, stop hogging the blanket."
"I'm not, you are." Lisa mumbles while pulling on it.
"Nu uh." Chaeyoung rolls over.
Lisa shuffles closer until her back is pressed to Chaeyoung's.
"Aish why are you so cold?" Chaeyoung mumbles with closed eyes.
"Because I didn't have any blanket to warm me up." Lisa laughs. She pulls Chaeyoung closet and nuzzles into the back of her neck. "Warm me up Chaengie."
Chaeyoung giggles feeling Lisa's lips repeatedly kissing her cheek.
"Mmm so cute." Lisa mutters.
The two almost fall back asleep until the door is bursting open and two other bodies are climbing onto the bed.
"Lisa! Chaeng!"

RandomThe girls in Blackpink House. What happens when the cameras are off. Just for fun. No serious plot. [Jensoo & Chaelisa]