A/N: k so the updates are slackin lately. Bleh. I'm sorry but I have a lot of stuff to do before I graduate 😫 High Key stressed.
The morning in the dorm was a very loud one. Jisoo was in the shower, unbothered by her members company in the bathroom. Jennie stood in the mirror trying to cover up a small hickey on her neck. Lisa was blow drying her hair and laughing at Jennie struggling. Chaeyoung had music on and was also singing to it as she put her own make up on."Ha ha! Is that a hickey!?" Lisa chortles giving it a poke.
"No! I fell!" Jennie shoves her away annoyed.
"On someones lips!?" Lisa cackles.
Jisoo turns off the shower and reaches for her towel. "You're over reacting Jennie. They're not gonna notice. Half of them will be drunk." She chuckles drying herself off.
"I am not over reacting, I am taking a very practical precaution. I want your family to like me so that they don't object our future marriage." Jennie says adamantly.
Jisoo ties the towel around herself and walks over to Jennie gently kissing her on the cheek. "You're so cute."
"Gaggggg!!!" Lisa blows the dryer in their direction making Jisoo smack her arm.
"My family is going to love you. I promise. It's actually impossible not to." Jisoo grins.
"Blehhhhhhh!!" Lisa does it again.
"Can you not?" Jisoo laughs kicking her.
Lisa giggles and kicks her back.
"But what if they don't like me? Then when we get married they won't come and support us and then your parents will hate me too and then so will oppa and unnie, and then you and then we'd get a divorce and I'd die because I Can't live without you and then—"
Jisoo shuts her up with her lips.
"I think we're intruding..." Chaeyoung whispers a little too loudly over to Lisa.
Lisa just continues to blowdry her hair. "Does it look like a care?"
Jisoo pulls away from Jennie and gives her a reassuring smile. "First off...we can't get a divorce before getting married."
"You know what I meant." Jennie pouts stubbornly.
"Second," Jisoo grins. "I don't care who's upset if I marry you Jennie. The only opinion that matters is yours and mine. If you're happy marrying me then that's the best thing I could ever wish for. And me? I'd be crazy not to be happy. If other people don't want us to get married, screw em. I don't care. All I care about is you, and what you want."
"Aweee~" Lisa smiles dreamily still blowdrying.
"Do you really mean that?" Jennie smiles shyly.
"With all my heart." Jisoo nods.
"You're being a chicken for no reason unnie. This is Junghyun oppa's wedding anyway. He should be the one who's nervous." Lisa adds.
"I predict Lisa would be sweating bullets and questioning her whole life right now if she was in his shoes." Chaeyoung nods.
"Doesn't that worry you?" Jennie asks.
"Not at all," she says. "Who do you think she'll ask for when that happens?" She smirks.
"Rosie my little baby," Lisa grins pinching her cheek and pulling her clothes.
"I am going to get dressed. We leave in an hour. No later." Jisoo says.

SonstigesThe girls in Blackpink House. What happens when the cameras are off. Just for fun. No serious plot. [Jensoo & Chaelisa]