A/N: It Actually worked omg.
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Finally back in Korea, the girl's were enjoying some short down time in the dorm to prepare themselves for tomorrow's SBS Super Concert.
"I don't understand." Chaeyoung says staring at the small bowl of green mush.
"It's guacamole." Jennie says setting a bag of tortilla chips down on the counter.
"So like...mushed avocado?" Chaeyoung asks slowly, eying the dip hesitantly.
"Chae it's delicious just try." Jisoo says sticking her finger into the bowl to take a swipe.
Jennie smacks her hand in a scolding manner. "Hey! Get your dirty fingers out of there!"
"Dirty cause they've been in Jennie..." Lisa whispers under her breath.
"YAH! I heard that!" Jennie growls. Lisa jumps in fear and hides behind Chaeyoung.
"Protect me Rosie! She could never harm you!" Lisa squeaks.
"Big baby," Jennie scoffs.
"Do we have any other dip? I don't think I'll like guacamole." Chaeyoung frowns at the substance.
"You haven't even tried. How do you know?" Jisoo says before snagging the bowl along with the chips.
"I have an inkling feeling that adding a few extra ingredients to my least favourite food isn't going to make me love it." Chaeyoung says.
They all sit on the couch and wait for Jennie to start the movie, Jisoo popping open the bag of chips.
"Just Try one ya big baby." Jisoo says scooping a bit of guac onto the chip.
Taking the chip she eyes it suspiciously. "I don't know Unnie...."
"Here. I'll eat it first." Lisa says taking her chip and eating it. "Mmm delicious."
"Hey. That was mine." Chaeyoung pouts.
"Opps. Sorry." Lisa says. Puckering her lips to apologize.
"Ah." Chaeyoung covers Lisa's lips. "I want to try one first before I taste it from you."
"Gross." Jennie mutters with a scowl.

RandomThe girls in Blackpink House. What happens when the cameras are off. Just for fun. No serious plot. [Jensoo & Chaelisa]