Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. A Few Days Later
"I'm back!" Jennie announces.
"Wahoo!" Jisoo comes running through the dorm before jumping into Jennie's arms.
"Wait Jisoo—" Jennie drops her bags to catch her but the momentum causes them both to fall to the ground. "Owwww!!"
"Oh shit are you okay?" Jisoo laughs looking down at her.
"Aish Everything is broken." Jennie says closing her eyes. "Kiss it better." She smirks.
"Where does it hurt most?" Jisoo smirks back.
"Right here." Jennie juts out her bottom lip.
"Oh well we can't have that now can we?" Jisoo smiles leaning in.
"Ugh. You two disgust me." Lisa scowls having watched the whole exchange.
"What the—Lisa!" Jisoo screams startled by her sudden appearance.
"She's been back for two seconds and you're about ready to have sex in the middle of the shoes." Lisa scoffs leaving them.
"Well not anymore." Jennie mutters letting Jisoo help her up.
"Oh just tell me you're engaged already." Lisa rolls her eyes pulling the fridge open.
"We're not engaged." Jisoo says a matter a fact. She feels Jennie give her a back hug making her grin. "...yet."
"Could've fooled me." Lisa shrugs. "You two have been all over eachother since that one day spaghetti was all over the floor."
"We're just happy, that's all." Jennie shrugs resting her chin on Jisoo's shoulder. "Where's Chaeng?"
"On the phone with Yang." Lisa rolls her eyes. "They're putting pause on her schedule for the next few days until this whole scandal gets dealt with."
"Please don't talk about it anymore it makes me sick." Jennie says.
"Trust me I know. I've had four showers today just thinking about it." Lisa says pulling out a knife to cut her sandwich.
Jisoo purses her lips and narrows her eyes. "You seem very moody today. Are you angry at the situation or on your period?"
Lisa stabs her knife into the cutting board angrily.
"Both." She growls.
"Oookay then. I think I'm gonna go unpack my things and take a shower." Jennie says.
"I'll come with." Jisoo says keeping their hands entertwined.
"To the shower or to unpack?" Jennie giggles teasingly.
"Both." Jisoo playfully smacks her ass.
"Disgusting." Lisa glares, shoving her sandwich into her mouth.

RandomThe girls in Blackpink House. What happens when the cameras are off. Just for fun. No serious plot. [Jensoo & Chaelisa]