Blackpink House. #92.

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A/N: Y'all really don't play. 😂 I have a special thank u for ya at the end


"Kim Jisoo." Jennie says walking into the older girls bedroom.

"Hm?" Jisoo hums while staring at her phone.

"Can you please get out of bed?" Jennie asks giving her foot a flick.

"But Jen, I'm about to beat my record." Jisoo whines. "A whole 10 hours and I haven't left. I haven't even had to pee yet!"

"10 hours is excessive." Jennie says taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Come on, let's go for a walk. Get some fresh air. It's been so long since we've had a date." She pouts.

"Jennie we just got back from an early honeymoon around the world." Jisoo says.

"We were on tour and it doesn't count." Jennie replies. She juts out her bottom lip once more. "Please Jichu? For me?"

Jisoo lets out a loud sigh. "Fine." She gives in. "Lemme shower and I'll meet you in the living room." She kisses Jennie's cheek.

"Thank you, I love you." Jennie smiles kissing her back.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Jisoo waves off with a laugh.


"No babe I'm telling you, the ninja turtles are real." Lisa says insistently.

"That's just impossible. How can there be fighting turtles? Turtles are slow." Chaeyoung says. She had her arm linked in Lisa's as they walked into the theatre with their popcorn, all set for a movie date.

"I'm telling you. I saw them."

"Tickets please." The attendent says politely.

Lisa hands her their two tickets and they head in to find their seats.

"So since you think the Ninja turtles are real I suspect you think Spider Man is too?" Chaeyoung says.

"I friggen wish." Lisa says while munching on their popcorn. "He's so cool. I wish I was Spider Man." She mumbles through a full mouth.

"I thought Thor was your favourite?"

"Yeah but He loses his eye. I don't think I could wear an eye patch. Not my style."

"What about Iron Man?"

"Ohh babe," Lisa shakes her head. "You so need to catch up on your Marvel Universe homework."

"Oh no what happens?" Chaeyoung pouts. "Babe this is why I didn't wanna watch this one. I'm so behind." She whines leaning into Lisa's arm.

It was Lisa's turn to pick the movie and so she chose Spider Man: Far From Home, since she already promised to watch Toy Story 4 with Jennie and she was gonna wait to scare the Daylights out of the members when Annabelle came out on Netflix.

Plus who doesn't like Tom Holland?

"Shh, movies starting." Lisa kisses the side of Chaeyoung's head.

"Fine but I am so finishing this popcorn without you."


"See? Isn't this nice? Some crisp fresh air." Jennie smiles taking in a deep breath.

"It's hot," Jisoo complains, squinting her eyes in the sun.

"Jisoo we've only been walking for two minutes. I can still see the dorm." Jennie rolls her eyes. "Can we at least make it to the park?"

"Okay," Jisoo gives in. "But only if you buy me a snack from one of the vendors."

"Deal." Jennie nods.

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