Blackpink House. #64.

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A/N: A few things I need to say.
• Jennie's solo has blessed me.
• Jensoo know eachother so well that it scares me.
• That interview was like them playing the girlfriend tag. (And Chaeyoung lost)
•I have playoff games all day and I am HYPE.


It was the day before Jennie's solo release. The girls were all home doing their own things for the evening.

"Do you prefer dancing or singing?" Chaeyoung reads aloud while squinting at her laptop.

Lisa was in bed next to her fast asleep after eating a big dinner. Meanwhile she decided to take an online quiz.

A 'Which member of Blackpink are you?' Quiz to be exact...

"How am I supposed to choose? I like both." Chaeyoung pouts in thought. "Hmm...I guess singing." She clicks. "Black or pink? Pink for sure."

"What are you doing?" Jennie asks abruptly walking into the room.

Chaeyoung slams her laptop shut in embarrassment. "Nothing!"

"Okay...let me ask this again, what were you doing?" Jennie narrows her eyes with the cross of her arms.

"...watching porn." She lies.

Before the chipmunk could even blink Jennie snagged the laptop from her reach and opened it up, letting out a loud laugh when she sees the screen.

"Ah ha! I knew it wasn't porn!" Jennie smirks in victory.

"Stop Unnie! Give it back!" Chaeyoung whines.

"You chose pink over black? Wrong answer." Jennie scoffs.

"Stop it~ I wanna see who I get."

Jennie clicks on the final results and shows her the screen with a pointed look.

"Awe man! I wanted someone cool," Chaeyoung pouts seeing as she got herself.

"What did you expect." Jennie laughs handing her back the laptop.

"I wanted to get Jisoo Unnie, or you."

"Why not Lisa?"

"Cause She was annoying me earlier today about last night." Chaeyoung grumbles.

"What happened last night?" Jennie asks.

Chaeyoung opens her mouth to answer but Jennie raises her hand to stop her. "Ah Wait. I know. I heard it all." She says before turning to leave.

"Did I tell you you look pretty today!" Chaeyoung shouts after her.

"Five times!" Jennie calls back over her shoulder.

Chaeyoung smiles to herself and looks at Leo sitting on the edge of the bed. "Isn't Jennie unnie so cool? Let's try this quiz again and see if we can get her." She clicks. "Black or pink? Black."


Meanwhile in Jisoo's room, the oldest member laid in her bed staring up at her phone with Dalgome laying on her chest. She entertained herself by talking to him as she played her games.

"Dalgome, are you excited for Jennie's solo? She let me listen to it and I promise it's really good. You'd like it." Jisoo says distractedly. "I'm proud of Jennie. I just keep remembering her when she was fifteen and we met. She was so excited to make new music. She had such big dreams Dalgom-ah. I also remember the days when she felt like giving up. I'm happy that she didn't. She's come far hasn't she? Now her dream is a reality. It makes me love her even more than I did before. I'm happy a girl like her is mine."

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