1: Kim Jongin

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My fingers wrap tighter around my books as I walk at a steady pace down the hallway. It seems to be bustling more than usual, and I have to swerve to miss fellow students.

"Did you see one of the EXO member's new car? A red Lamborghini!"

"Wah! Really? It's gotta be so nice to be the sons of famous business owners!"

EXO this, EXO that. It's like everywhere I turn in this school there's news about them.

"They're not gods, you know," I mutter as I reach my locker and turn the dial, unlocking it.

I move a peice of my hair behind my ear as I slide my book into the locker. "Just because they're rich and hang out in groups doesn't mean that they're perfect."

I reach back into the metal container and pull out one of my thicker history books along with the matching notebook.

A group of two to three girls linger near me, and I overhear their conversation.

"Oh my gosh! Baekhyun just posted a selfie! He looks so cute!"

"Look at him! Is he even trying? His beauty just comes naturally to him!"

"I know- oh my god! That's them now!"

I spin my head around to the direction of the noise and sure enough, here they come. Or, five of them are coming.

Where are the other four? I can't help but to ask myself.

Junmyeon, also known as Suho, leads the pack. His black hair is styled up and matches his black jacket and pants he has on today. He's tapping away on his phone, and occasionally he'll look up to say hello.

Baekhyun would be next, his red, dyed hair stands out and he has a huge smile on his face as he waves to everyone in the hallway. He has a casual jeans and shirt on.

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are next, they chat as they stride through the hall. Every now and then Kyungsoo would hit Chanyeol, causing a loud laugh to come out of the taller boy's mouth.

Their outfits are casual as well, and Chanyeol has his wavy hair down, while Kyungsoo's is styled up professionally.

I can't help but to stare at Chanyeol as he starts to walk past. It shocks me when he suddenly looks over and smiles. I smile back as a reflex, but I can feel a slow heat creep on my face.

He's so cute.

I roll my eyes as I see the last boy, Jongin. His head is down as he plays something on his phone, obviously not being aware of his surroundings as he nearly runs into a guy.

I spin back around to my locker and pull out my final book, stacking it in my arms. I swiftly close the locker.

He should look where he's go-

I crash into something. Wait no, more like something crashes into me.

The force sends me and every book in my hands to the ground, creating an ear shattering noise.

My knees land on the hard tile, with my backpack on my back making the impact worse. A clamour of laughter bursts out around me, and I can feel my cheeks begin to flush red. I hope my hair can hide it.

"You should watch where you're going."

That voice.

I glance up through my bangs to see the one person I absolutely did not want to meet.

Kiss Me, Kim Jongin (EXO Kai)Where stories live. Discover now