14: Sweet Revenge

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I wake up earlier than usual on this morning, and it's time to kickstart plan 'Get Over Kai'.

I shuffle to my closet and pull it open, pushing past all of the hoodies and sweatpants.

I dig into the very back and pull out a pair of destroyed black skinny jeans, black heels, a black leather jacket, and a plain white shirt.

I lay out the outfit on my bed, and make my way to the bathroom. My face gets a fresh coat of makeup, including a smokey eye and red lipstick. My hair is next, and I curl it, making it fall just past my shoulders in ringlets.

I step out back into my room and try on all of my clothes. Everyone at my school knows me for my hoodies and classic converse, so seeing me is going to be a shock.

I tell my mom and dad that I'm leaving, and my mom approves of my outfit. My dad asks what's going on, and my mom answers that it's a 'girl thing'.


Everyone in the hallway is staring as I walk down it. I'm not sure if it's because I'm walking straight towards the EXO lockers, or if it's because of my new look.

I soon see all of the guys huddled around their set of lockers, talking. Kai is leaning up against them, playing on his phone, ignoring everyone. Sehun, Chen, and Baekhyun are having a conversation together, and the rest of the guys are in a larger group talking. My heels are clicking loudly, and one by one they all start to turn their heads towards me.

"Damn, who's that walking over here?" I hear Sehun ask the guys. "She looks familiar, doesn't she?"

"That's Somi!" Baekhyun shouts, making all of the guys turn around to face me as I walk up to them.

"She's so..." Baekhyun starts, staring at me.

"Sexy." Sehun finishes his sentence for him. "She's sexy."

I throw a ringlet of my hair over my shoulder. "Chanyeol? Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask, smiling innocently.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Kai's body stiffen as he looks over at me, clearly staring.

"Uh, yeah," The lanky boy says, stepping forward out of the group of guys.

"Follow me," I say, turning around.

"What's happening?! Why is Chanyeol going with her?! I want to come, too!" I hear Baek whine, and I smile.

I lead me and Chanyeol out of the double doors, until we are alone outside.

"What did you need?" He asks, momentarily looking down at my skin that shows through my jeans.

"I want to ask you out," I put my hands behind my back and waver on my heels.

He looks me in the eyes, his own widening in the process. "What are you talking about?" He asks. "You and Kai are going out!"

I shake my head, my hair bouncing around. "Not anymore."

"Why not? What happened?" He asks, his eyes growing softer.

"Someone took photos of us that night that you saved me," I explain, sighing. "Kai saw the photos and he thought that I was cheating on him the whole time with you."

"Well, let's just go explain it then," He says as he starts to walk inside.

I grab his wrist, stopping him. "He won't listen, I've tried," I say, looking down at the ground. "He already said that he won't believe anything else I tell him, and that he won't accept my excuses anymore."

"Why don't you just tell him the truth, then?" He orders. "Tell him that you nearly got killed and I saved you. Tell him that that's all of what happened."

Kiss Me, Kim Jongin (EXO Kai)Where stories live. Discover now