2: Why Him?

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"Hey, Kris," I smile as I sit next to my friend in science class.

He looks up at me from his notes. "Hey, Somi," He smiles. "Care to explain why every girl here is glaring at you?"

I look at him and then around the room. Sure enough, every girl is sending me death glares.

"Oh gosh," I start as I lay my head down on the table. It's cold against my forehead, and I sigh. "I just made one of the members of EXO upset."

"Oh," He breaks into a smile. "Well, they probably deserved it."

"Say," I start, leaning my head back up. "You used to be in their group, right?"

He nods, spinning his pencil around in his hand. "Yeah, but I left them. Why?"

"Its nothing. I was just wondering," I look at him. "What kind of influence do they have? Like, could they hire a hit man if they wanted to, you know, kill someone?"

His eyes go big. "What the heck did you do that was so bad you're worrying about getting assassinated?"

I choke out a fake laugh and lightly punch him in the arm. "I didn't do anything! I'm just wondering, haha. Oh look, our teacher is here! We'd better pay attention!"

I turn my head away from his stare and prop my head on my hand.

Gosh I'm dead. It's either going to be Jongin or one of his fangirls that kills me.


Class is extremely long, but luckily I survived and am now on my way home.

I'm texting my mom, telling her that I'm on my way when I get a text from her that says to hurry home.

I try to ask her what's happening, but she doesn't reply.

My walk turns into a speed walk, which turns into a sprint.

I soon see the picket fence lining our lawn and I bolt through the gate onto the porch.

"What's the matter?!" I shout as I burst through the door.

I stop in my tracks when I see my mom and dad sitting on the couch, along with another man I don't recognize. Their gazes turn towards me and I stand there awkwardly.

"Oh, uh, I didn't know we had a guest," I close the door behind me and slowly walk further into the house.

My mom and dad are both dressed casually, but the other man has on a grey suit with no tie. He looks fairly young, even though I'm positive he's close to my dad in age.

He looks rich.

"Honey, this is Mr. Kim. He's an old school friend of your father's," My mom starts.

"Oh," I say in realization, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs.

"Hello," He starts. "You must be Somi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hi," I smile back at him. "Its good to meet you, too."

"Mr. Kim's son is going to be staying with us for a little bit while he's on a business trip," My mom says again.

My eyes get big. "W-what?"

"I'm sorry to spring this on you, but the trip was sudden and I didn't have anyone for him to stay with," Mr. Kim begins, taking a sip of the tea that was placed on the table. "His mother is out of town, and he definitely isn't staying with his rowdy friends."

"No! It's fine!" My dad reassures him. "We have an extra guest bedroom and I'm sure him and Somi will get along just fine."

Mr. Kim looks at me and I smile. "Yeah! I get along with everyone!"

Kiss Me, Kim Jongin (EXO Kai)Where stories live. Discover now