15: Kiss Me, Kim Jongin

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Somi's P.O.V.

I'm back home, and I've changed into my comfy clothes. All of my makeup is removed, even the foundation I had covering my bruises is gone. I took my curly hair and put it into a ponytail, out of the way.

It's just me at the house, because my parents are working late again.

I roll over on my bed. I wish Kai were here. I miss talking to him and having fun with him.

I decide to walk to the kitchen and get something to eat. As my feet hit the bottom step on the stairs, I hear a car honk it's horn outside.

Who is that?

I walk to the front door and open it. In my driveway sits an orange Corvette.

Baekhyun pops his head out of the window. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!"

"What?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow and shaking my head.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say that," He opens the door smiling at me. "Can I kidnap your for a little bit?"

"Uh, sure?" I answer him questionably, closing and locking the door to my house.

"Why do you need to kidnap me?" I ask, walking closer to his car.

"Don't ask questions and just get in," He orders and I do as he says, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Hey I'm sorry, but I was told to do this," I hear a familiar voice behind me and feel a blindfold being put on my eyes.

"Woah, hey!" I say, feeling him tie it in the back. "Suho?"

"Yeah it's me and Xiumin cramped in the back," I hear him say.

"Hi, Somi!" I hear the usually peppy voice of Xiumin.

"Hey," I smile. "Why am I blindfolded and where are we going?"

"Dont worry about it," Baekhyun's voice is the one I hear next, and I feel someone pull my seat belt across and buckle it for me. "Just hold on, we're in a hurry."

"Hold on to what?" I ask, feeling the car back out of the driveway and bolt down the street.

"Jesus, Baek slow down!" Suho chastises from behind me.

I feel us take many turns and stops, and when the car's engine dies, I assume that we've hit our destination.

"Can I take the blindfold off now?" I ask.

"No!" All three boys scold me at the same time, and I hear someone open my car door for me. I unbuckle my belt, and I feel a hand hold my own, helping me get out of the car.

"Sorry about this," I hear Sehun's deep voice, and suddenly I'm thrown over his shoulder, and being carried.

"Hey! Put me down! Oh Sehun! Put me down now!"

"Sorry, darling, but I can't," He replies.

I feel me being carried up a set of stairs as we enter what I'm sure is a house. I'm then carried up more sets of stairs, and I have to applaud Sehun for not passing out yet.

"Here," I feel him sit me down on a cushy surface, and I'm sure that it's a bed. "Don't take off the blindfold yet."

I sit quietly, when suddenly, I hear a voice.

"I said to let me go! I already told you that I'm not talking to her!" I hear a throaty voice that sounds so familiar, that I don't have to think twice about who it is.

Kiss Me, Kim Jongin (EXO Kai)Where stories live. Discover now