7: I'm Sorry

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I wiggle around in my bed.

Why do my blankets feel really hot? And why does my pillow feel so hard?

I move my head a bit more, trying to soften up the material. It doesn't work. My hand instinctively comes up to adjust it now, and my heart stops beating.

I don't feel a pillow.

My pillow is a white, fuzzy material. This feels hard and is thin enough to be t-shirt material.

I slowly peek open one of my eyes. Black fabric comes into my vision.

This is definitely not my pillow.

I stay still for a moment and realize that whatever I'm lying on is moving.

I arch my neck up to see Kai's face. Upon feeling me move, his eyes flutter open as well.

"Hey," He starts. "Are you feeling better?"

His morning voice is coarse and gruff, and if I weren't so shocked to see him, I'd say that it was sexy.

I sit up at a breakneck speed. "What are you doing, you pervert?!" My hands push him over and off the bed completely.

He lands with a monstrous thud, and I soon hear him groan in pain.

Shoot, maybe I shouldn't have done that.

I pop my head out over the side of the bed and look at him. He's holding his left hip, and I'm going to guess that that's what hit the ground first.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I ask him, guilt washing over me.

"Oww," He sits up and looks over at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. But did you really have to push me off the bed?"

I stare at him. "You scared me! Why are you even in my bed in the first place?!" I interrogate him and he stands up on his feet.

"Do you not remember what happened last night?!" He points his finger to my door, motioning downstairs.

"I remember you nearly giving me a heart attack!" I defend, rolling off my side of the bed and standing up as well.

"You fell asleep in my arms and I carried you up here," He stares at me and I feel my face heating up.

He carried me here?

"And I sat you on your bed and you told me not to leave so I had to stay with you!" He huffs, crossing his arms. "See? It's not my fault that I slept in here!"

I don't remember that at all. All I remember was him hugging me and me crying.

"Anyway, be getting ready," He walks past me to the door. "I feel bad about what I did and I wanna make it up to you. Put on something casual."

He then exits the room and closes the door behind him.

I clutch my chest. I asked him to sleep with me? Am I crazy? And what the heck is he talking about when he said he's going to make it up to me? What is he planning?

These thoughts and hundreds of others flash through my mind as I pull on a dark hoodie. Some light colored skinny jeans goes on next, followed by a pair of black combat boots.

I brush my hair and put it up in a ponytail, brushing down my bangs and having some strands of hair come out on the sides.

I make sure to grab my phone off of the nightstand, and walk out of my room. Kai is walking out of his at the same time I am mine, and we look at each other.

Kiss Me, Kim Jongin (EXO Kai)Where stories live. Discover now