4: Stay Over There!

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"Ooh, calling me by my first and last name. I'm terrified!" He mocks, turning another page.

Why did I leave my journal out in the open on my desk?! Why am I so stupid?!

I stomp over to him, extending my hand to grab my book, but he puts his arm in the air, making it impossible for me to get it.

"I don't think so," He smiles at me, showing his teeth.

"Give it back," My voice is hard and cold, and if a stare could kill, he would be six feet under right now.

"Oh my gosh! Chanyeol is sooo cute!" He makes his voice high pitched.

And why? Why did I write so much personal stuff in there?!

He clears his throat and continues, staring down at me. "I just love his hair! He's probably the cutest member of EXO, well, besides Jongin, of course!"

My teeth clench and I reach for it again, not caring if I came in close proximity with him or not.

"You have a crush," He sings, smiling and holding the book higher. "Now it's starting to get interesting."

I stand on my toes and reach for it. Suddenly, I lean too far and I lose my balance, falling forward.

My hands are propped on my desk on either side of Kai, and he has to lean backwards so that we don't hit our faces together.

His eyes have grown slightly wide, and I stare at them.

Well, this is embarrassing.

A cheeky grin pops up on his face as he stares back at me.

"Somi, I didn't expect you to fall for me this quickly," He has a large smile that mimics the Cheshire Cat.

Quickly, I shove myself off of him and back away, my cheeks a tinted shade of dark pink.

I point an accusing finger at him. "No one is falling for anyone! I just lost my balance!"

He takes a final look at the book and closes it shut, throwing it back at me in the process. I manage to catch it, luckily.

"Sure, sweetheart," He cracks a smile and shoves his hands in his pockets.

He takes smooth strides to the door and opens it. He turns back to look at me once more. "That's what they all say."

I can't get my reply out before he shuts the door behind him.

"That's what they all say," I mock, contorting my face. "Gosh how can someone be so arrogant?"

I take the time to hide my book under my mattress this time, before I lean back onto my bed.

I put the palms of my hands onto my cheeks, and they are burning up.

I sit back up onto my bed and stare at the closed door.

"Who does he think he is?" I stand up. "If I wasn't afraid to get in trouble, why I'd-"

I stop mid sentence to kick my foot up. "Yeah he'd really get it!"

"Why the heck was he even in my room to begin with?"


Its time for dinner, and as much as I'd love to stay in my room forever, I can't.

Kiss Me, Kim Jongin (EXO Kai)Where stories live. Discover now