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So I was asked if I could recommend a book, soooo normally I wouldn't do this but she is my cousin and she has kind of helped me through a LOT that has happened and I have yet to tell her things that have came up but.......

By: 4everyoung2005

And I also recommend reading---

The Red String of Fate
By: ekalk2004

And I really need to thank someone, I would LOVE to do it in person but that just won't work but.......

Dear celet45,

Thank you soooo much, before I was able to talk to you I was really down and depressed and after talking to you and getting a LOT out I have been soooo much better and I must thank you. I hope for you to have the best in life, and for you to become whatever you want to be, you have a lot of potential.


And another,

Dear 4everyoung2005,

Thank you so very much for being there for me as I was for you. Just know that you can talk to me whenever. I know we are going through similar things but life will happen, and I must agree with my mom I do believe that you would do VERY VERY well in any type of legal job. Or an actress, you are pretty good😃.


And thank all of you reading, it truly means SOOOOOOOO much to me that you read my book(s) 😄😄

Luvs u alls

💜 FoxLover_1904 

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