Chapter 3 ----- Mate

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My mate was a very strong looking man

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My mate was a very strong looking man. I had never seen him before, but you could feel the power of an alpha radiating off of him. He had dark brown hair with blue eyes. His hair was short and styled as if pushed back with a comb. But the thing was that he was an alpha one of a very large pack. Most people feared him and his pack. For he, my mate, was Alpha Aaron, alpha of the Starke Pakung Pack.

He just stood there and stared at me, not even blinking, just staring. I was honestly to afraid to move or say anything. Donna was watching Aaron's every move, and Edmund was staring at me, I could feel his eyes on me, simply watching me. 

Then out of nowhere Aaron let out a deep growl, Donna and I's wolves both let out a soft whimper while Edmund growled back. Donna and I both ran out of the room, well sort of, Donna got out but as I tried to sneak past, Aaron grabbed my arm. He held me tight and wouldn't let go Aaron stared at me while I watched Edmund, he was getting ready to attack, I lightly shook my head at him not wanting him to start anything.

 Well guess what that didn't work as exactly four seconds later Edmund charged, transformed into his wolf, and then shoved him out the window. Thankfully the room was only on the second floor so it wouldn't be that big of a drop. It they both were shifted into their wolf forms they would take hardly any damage.

Donna rushed back in, grabbed my are and dragged me up to a higher floor. Since there were seven floors, counting the attic, she dragged me up to the fourth floor to try to hide me. I wasn't even sure what was completely  going on.

"Why do we have to be up here, and who was he, and- and-" I said out of breath from the stairs.

"That was Alpha Aaron the most powerful, strongest, and dangerous alpha now living in our country, most likely the world." She told me.

"So then I have a mate. Oh no my dad is going to kill me, I promised that I would make sure that I would do every thing I could to NOT find my mate."

"I just hope Edmund will be alright."

"Yes, hopefully."

"Come on lets go down carefully and get out of here. Hopefully he doesn't catch your sent." Donna sighed.

"Alright lets do this."

My wolf was hurt that we had to leave my mate. I wasn't sure how to feel, I was full of emotions. I know that if I shifted, my wolf will run right back to my mate, no matter how hard I try to push.


Right when we got back we got back Donna got a call from Edmund. From what I could hear Aaron was looking for me, and he was pissed. Edmund said he was alright but had a few bruises and a broken arm.

Donna and I both packed our things, since we were going to stay here for about a week we had a lot of stuff to carry. Donna had called for a taxi to come pack us up, after all this is the capitol so this is one of the biggest cities for quite a ways away from another large city. 

Once we got to the train station it was perfect timing because the train was just about to leave. It was a seven hour train ride all the was back home. My home with Max and dad, even though dad has never really cared for me I still missed him so much. I just missed being home even though it had only been about two days.

Sometime during the ride home I fell asleep, and I slept the entire ride. Which is strange because I hardly ever sleep now, when I was younger I could sleep all day. 

Once I got off the train I was about to call Max to see if he could come and pick me up, but right before I called he texted.

Max< you need to come home NOW

what's wrong>Fay

Max<dad pissed like rly pissed

oh dear ill be there soon>Fay

Max< plz hurry


Looks like I had to run and as fast as I could. The only thing that was running through my mind was: 'What the hell had dad so pissed off'. I think the thing that shocked me the most was the first person I saw right as I opened the door.

"Why hello my dear. Miss me."


So who was in her house??

Thank you all for reading, hope you enjoyed


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